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Research On The Application And Development Of Optical Illusion In Surrealist Paintings In The 20th Century

Posted on:2021-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330614460496Subject:Fine Arts
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In general,we associate surrealism with words like "intuition," "illusion," and "dream state.".The development of surrealism was influenced in part by Floyd's psychoanalytic approach,in which dreams,illusions,and the unconscious are taken as the direction of the artist's inspiration for his paintings,surrealism paintings are not influenced by any rational or experiential memory,so they often combine many unrelated things into a single painting to create fantastic visual effects.It is not by habit to look at this kind of breakthrough form of painting from a psychological point of view.The progress of the surrealism owes more to the artist's consciousness than to what Floyd had created.The surrealism artists and theorists realized that the picture must evoke the viewer's association with reality,so that for them the pure form that the formalism was seeking was unavailable,that in itself has long lost the value of the discussion.But if past experience is to be set aside,in what way does the surrealism get involved in the true inquiry into the depths of the psyche? The author of the surrealism is good at capturing the duality of nearby things and the relationships between them,transforming ordinary things and scenes into something different and thought-provoking.They usually choose some common and easy to cause the illusion of performance,will not appear in the scene and the object detailed combination of description,let the viewer have a real illusion,make people ponder.In this article,we will make a deep analysis and research on the manifestation of optical illusion in surrealism paintings.The paper is divided into four parts: Theoretical background research,analysis of the specific performance of visual illusion,visual illusion to create the meaning of the case analysis of the development of visual illusion.This paper focuses on the visual illusion depicted in the works of different surrealismartists and reveals the manifestation and significance of visual illusion as a surrealistic art language.In the first part,the author starts from the related theories of optical illusion,explores the causes of its appearance,and narrates the basic characteristics of optical illusion.The second part consists of two small chapters.First of all,through the performance of the specific way of optical illusion,and with a typical case to deepen the understanding of optical illusion.,from the artist's intention to create,the balance of the screen space on the factors affecting the formation of optical illusion.The third part,multi-angle analysis of visual illusion in the picture created in the atmosphere of the positive significance of visual illusion.The fourth part summarizes the optical illusion to the Chinese contemporary painting artist actually and uses the actual case concrete analysis optical illusion in Chinese contemporary painting development.Through the in-depth analysis of this topic,deep understanding of optical illusion in the multi-level application of surrealism painting,explore and analyze the value of optical illusion art form in the works of surrealism,it shows the important role of the expressive method of painting in the creation.And also hope to provide a suitable way of observation and reference for the future Chinese painting art,in the visual diversity of the times to seek new opportunities for creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Surrealism, Optical Illusion, Presentation, Development
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