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A Study Of Modern And Modern Enclaves In Bazhong And Guangyuan Of Northern Sichuan

Posted on:2021-01-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Y ShangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330611964163Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Enclave research is an important part of geography research in historical political areas.Enclaves were widely distributed in existing countries during the historical period.As a special human geography phenomenon,its production is the result of the comprehensive effect of multiple factors.It has had an important impact on social politics,economy,and culture.In order to promote the new county system during the Republic of China,the Nanjing National Government issued a decree and began to clean up and correct the enclaves.The Sichuan Provincial Government also sorted out,surveyed,summarized,and summarized the enclaves within its jurisdiction in the 25 th year of the Republic of China(1936).Governance,the enclave combing in the areas under the jurisdiction of Bazhong and Guangyuan in the north of Sichuan Province has also begun.In fact,the academic community has long paid attention to this phenomenon,and then analyzed it.At present,many scholars have discussed the causes,types and impacts of enclaves from a macro perspective,and some scholars have studied Chongqing,Guizhou and other regions as a unit from a micro perspective.However,some areas in Sichuan Province remain blank.Affected by the environment such as nature and humanities,the generation,distribution,governance process and impact of enclaves in each area are different.Studying the enclave from a micro perspective from the regional perspective helps to clarify the need for enclave governance.Sexuality,urgency and difficulty.Therefore,based on the enclaves of Bazhong and Guangyuan in northern Sichuan Province in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China as research objects,starting from time and space,the analysis and analysis are based on local chronicles and archives in order to clarify the area.Enclave governance.The full text is divided into three parts: introduction,main text and conclusion,as follows:The first part is the introduction,which mainly expounds the significance of the topic selection and research methods,systematically reviews the academic research on the enclave,and defines the terms in the text.The second part is the main text,which is divided into three chapters.The first chapter sorts out the enclave distribution of Bazhong and Guangyuan in northern Sichuan Province during the period of the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China.Sort out the distribution of enclaves in Bazhong and Guangyuan in the late Qing and the Republic of China according to the sequence of time periods.At present,only the enclave in the late Qing Dynasty is known to have Huilongchang and Luxikou.Atpresent,the jurisdiction of Bazhong and Guangyuan municipalities were under the jurisdiction of the 15 th Administrative Inspection District and the 14 th Administrative Inspection District during the Republic of China.In the 14 th Administrative Inspection District,enclaves were mainly distributed in Zhaohua and Cangxi counties.In the fifteenth district,enclaves are mainly distributed in Nanjiang,Bazhong,Tongjiang and other counties,thus highlighting that there are more enclaves in the territory of Bazhong City during the Republic of China,and there are fewer enclaves in Guangyuan City today.feature.From the point of view of the inter-flight enclave between counties,it is mainly concentrated between Bazhong County and Nanjiang County,while other counties have slightly fewer inter-flight plots.The second chapter mainly analyzes the reasons and influence of the enclaves of Bazhong and Guangyuan in northern Sichuan during the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China.In terms of the causes of the enclave,the emergence of the enclave in Bazhong and Guangyuan in the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China is the result of a combination of factors.Specifically,it is mainly concentrated in the humanities and reflected in the adjustment of administrative divisions.Unclear separation,local family arbitrarily registered,change to other countries in favor of the time,new cadastral newspapers after the tragedy,etc.,coupled with the rugged natural environment,the unequal factors are more likely to produce enclaves.Enclave governance is difficult,and its impact is multiple.It is mainly reflected in the difficulty of administrative management and high administrative costs,which in turn leads to banditry.Enclave residents have a weak sense of belonging to subordinates,and have a strong influence on government management,social stability,and economic development.There are many obstacles.The third chapter mainly discusses the management of enclaves in Bazhong and Guangyuan in northern Sichuan.The enclave governance was mainly due to the outline of provincial and municipal survey demarcation and regional consolidation measures promulgated by the Nanjing National Government from the 19 th year of the Republic of China(1930)to the 23 rd year of the Republic of China(1934).Fifteen years(1936)began to work on the management of enclaves in the province.The enclave governance carried out in the Republic of China under the jurisdiction of Bazhong and Guangyuan in the Republic of China is mainly displayed through the selection of typical enclave governance processes in the counties.The fourteenth administrative inspection area includes Cangxi County.Gujiagou,Shuilong Cave,Xujiaping Enclave,Guanyin Temple Enclave in Jiange County,Xiaoguanzi Enclave in Wangcang County are the representatives,and the 15 th Administrative Inspectorate Area is the Baishi County Enclave in Bazhong County.Pengjiachang,Kangjialing Enclave in Nanjiang County,Lijiayu and Xunzihe in Tongjiang County are discussed in detail as examples.On thisbasis,the characteristics of the enclave governance process,such as the late start,long cleanup time,and large allocation disputes,are highlighted.The third part is the conclusion,which mainly discusses the experience and lessons in the process of enclave management.Enclave in history is a kind of special human geography phenomenon.It is affected by politics,economy,culture and so on.Therefore,in the process of enclave governance,the opinions of grass-roots organizations and local people should be given full attention,and the contradiction and disputes among them must be resolved to achieve the thoroughness of governance and promote the orderly progress of enclave governance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Late Qing Dynasty and Republic of China, Bazhong, Guangyuan, Enclave Governance
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