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Learning Rites And Its Literary Significance In Zhou Dynasty

Posted on:2021-03-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J DouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330611955935Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
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The school is an important part of the country.The school of Zhou Dynasty was undertaken by the government.Politics and education were integrated.The teachers of the school were officials of the court.The Zhou Dynasty inherited the school regulations of the Xia and Shang Dynasties,developed the school system and school etiquette,and expanded the scale of the school.The "Rites" of learning rites in the Zhou Dynasty are recorded in the ancient books and records of the Pre-Qin Dynasty,such as the rites of the Zhou Dynasty,the book of rites,the Analects of Confucius,the University and Mencius are all recorded or reflected the importance of learning rites.From the perspective of politics and culture,learning rites in Zhou Dynasty refers to the activities and systems of education rites implemented in schools and outside schools.The contents of learning rites in the Zhou Dynasty included activities and forms of education about personality and ability in official schools in the Western Zhou Dynasty,and the thoughts of learning rites in the spring and Autumn period,from which the cultural connotation and literary significance of learning rites in Zhou Dynasty can be analyzed.Learning rites in the Zhou Dynasty are closely related to politics,education and school.The rites of shidian,shicai,ruxue,shixue,yanglao,xiangyinjiu,xiangshe,shuxiu,and chizhou all belong to the learning rites in the Zhou Dynasty.In school education,culture and literariness are shown through ceremony and sacrificial rites.Ritual art,through watching ritual and etiquette,we can see the politics,customs and aesthetics of the Zhou Dynasty.The theme of the ceremony is to sacrifice ancestors,saints and teachers,to show people's morality and respect through the ceremony.Meanwhile,as an educational environment,the environment of sacrificial activities also has a profound impact on people.The ceremony of shicai is a kind of learning ceremony to offer sacrifices to ancestors and teachers with vegetables,which expresses the awe to teachers.The rite of ruxue is the etiquette for the prince to enter school,which embodies the integrity and comprehensiveness of the education system in the learning ceremony system of the Zhou Dynasty.The site of shixue is a kind of sacrificial activity in spring and autumn when Emperor Zhou visited the school in person,which shows that the rulers respect the school,the sages and teachers,and the school education.After the site of shixue,the objects of providing for the aged in the Zhou Dynasty were divided into the old people who had retired from the government and the old people of the common people(PS: the elderly of the common people).The Zhou Dynasty showed respect for the elderly through the implementation of pension system,pension in schools and other places,giving priority and preferential system security to the elderly.The site of xiangyinjiu is an important occasion for local elderly care,and the site of xiangshe is an important way to select talents needed by the country.It is an important part of learning rites that local people learn to educate people through xiangyin rites and xiangshe rites in the countryside,so that people can understand the order of elders and children.In the research center,the literary characteristics of rites in the Zhou Dynasty are found to be preciseness,simplification and richness of the language of rites,and the artistry of the form of rites.The purpose of learning etiquette education in Zhou Dynasty is to cultivate people's moral character and form a gentleman's personality.The characters carry the rites and etiquette,the literature carries the learning rites of the Zhou Dynasty,and also shows the ideological characteristics of respecting the sages and worshiping the virtues,being strict and careful.The rich thought of learning rites in Zhou Dynasty has a profound influence on the culture and thoughts of later generations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Learning rites in the Zhou Dynasty, rites, ceremony, literary significance
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