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The Plight Of Wuju In The Ming Dynasty And Its Group Identity

Posted on:2021-03-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L AnFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330611464161Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The system of Wu jv is an important system of selecting generals in ancient China.It was born in the period of Wu zhou and developed further in Song Dynasty.The system of Wu jv in the Ming Dynasty inherited from the Tang and Song Dynasties,and it was an important period for the development and perfection of the system.At the same time,because of the influence of Wei suo system and hereditary system of military officials,the Wu jv system in Ming Dynasty has distinct characteristics.The research object of this thesis includes the system and group of Wu jv in Ming Dynasty.It consists of three parts: introduction,body and conclusion.The first part is the introduction,which briefly describes the reason and significance of this topic,and at the same time summarizes the current research situation at home and abroad.It is found that the research on Wu jv in Ming Dynasty is quite weak,.whether it is Wu jv system or the group of Wu jv,there is room for further research.The second part is the main body.The first chapter mainly discusses the creation and evolution of the dilemma of Wu jv system in the Ming Dynasty.The Ming Dynasty's Wu jv system has a long history.The development of the previous generation of Wu jv system provided a valuable institutional reference for the evolution and improvement of the Ming Dynasty's system.The lack of military talents and the increasingly severe military pressure are the general reasons for the establishment of the Ming dynasty's Wu jv system,while the social atmosphere and political ecology have gradually changed from "valuing martial arts above literary " to "valuing literary talent above martial arts",and the lack of the military schools system is the special reason for the establishment of the Ming dynasty's Wu jv system.The process of Wu jv system is very tortuous in the Ming Dynasty.The "Wu jv Law" promulgated in eighth year of Tian shun is still the development and improvement of Bao jv jiang cai system.The first time for the establishment of the Ming Dynasty's Wu ju should be the sixth years in Hong zhi.The two "Wu jv rules" promulgated during the Zheng de period were animportant step in the development of the Ming Dynasty's Wu jv system.During the Jia jing and long qing and the early Wan li period,Wu jv system continuous develop and become more and more perfect.During the development of Wu ju,it has always faced problems such as the plight of the development of literary talent and martial arts,frequent occurrences of Wu Chang cases,and the chosen person is not needed.Since the beginning of Wan li period,the development of Wu jv system has gradually appeared some new trends,including the tendency of stressing martial arts appeared due to the influence of the heavy martial arts trend in the late Ming Dynasty,and the opening of the Wu jv dian shi.The second chapter mainly discusses the unobstructed and stagnant ways of official and appointment of Wu jv groups in Ming Dynasty.Being admitted to be one member of the group of Wu jv in the Ming Dynasty can get three benefits: improving job title,increasing honor and actual appointment.The target of improving job title in the Ming Dynasty was mainly Wu Jin shi,whose development has experienced the evolution from the military-civilian dual track to the integration of military and civilian.The Ming dynasty also enacted increasing honor's system for Wu Jin shi,including the announcement of the list,the banquet,welcoming home,giving food supplies,etc.The Wu ju ren can also enjoy the banquet,preference and exemption from corvee and funding policies of the local government.It was very difficult to appoint the group of Wu Jv.Before Long qing era,the appointment of the group of Wu jv mainly Mu zhi and low-level military officers.After Wan li period,the group of Wu jv the was appointed by Ministry of War military governor,at the same time the appointment promotion specifications has been improved,and Sanke-Wu jv was also appointed,but not for Wu ju ren.The Ming Dynasty had hold about 49 Wujv and enrolled about 4080 people.The number of being enrolled by Wu jv test is not large,but due to the overexpansion of the number of hereditary military officers and Na ji system often held,Wu jv group's appointment way is still very serious.In this case,the Ming government continued to check and verify Wu jv groups in order to better appoint them.At the same time,it also took measures to clear the Na ji and restricted the number of the appointment of other way;dividing the proportion and ensuring the official vacancy;increasing the number of appointment by Ministry of War military govern,opening up the lack of sources;restriction on scale of the group of Wu jv and measures to improve the procedures for adoption,but the effect is not satisfactory.The third chapter mainly discusses the identity dilemma of the groups of Wu jv inMing Dynasty and their image building.Wu Jv group formed the kind of group consciousness in the Ming Dynasty,which stems from the maintenance of “Wu jv Records","The Same Year Records of Wu jv" and to cater to the so-called "Wen Wu Zhi Jiang" concept civil servant advocated.However,the group consciousness of the Ming Dynasty's Wu jv was quite weak.On the one hand,the Ming Dynasty's Wu jv system was formed later,with less enrollment,and less social and political influence;on the other hand,the Ming Dynasty's Wu jv group have a wide range of sources,such as students who haven't been accept by imperial examination,hereditary military officer,and rogue hooligans,whose purposes for participating in Wu jv are different.In terms of appointment,the Ming government long-term implementation of the military-civilian dual-track system of the appointment of the group of Wu jv appointment has also caused a split within the group of Wu jv.All of these have led to the formation of group consciousness of Wu jv in the Ming Dynasty,but this consciousness is not strong.Because of the stagnation of the way for the appointment of Wu jv,some Wu jv cannot enter the military system and are scattered among the society.Therefore,the actual participation of the Wu jv group is very diverse,including rogue rogues.In this case,the image of Wu jv was diverse in society and government in the Ming Dynasty,but the overall image was still vague and negative.Because the original design of the Wu jv system was to select the so-called “Zhi Shu Zhi Jiang” and “Ru jiang”,the Wu ju group also consciously pursued a group consciousness of Ru Jiang.However,when shaping their own image of Ru jiang,they shaped an alienated image of Ru jiang that neither literary nor military and non-Confucian.The third part is the conclusion,which discusses the reason why Wu jv system in Ming Dynasty can continue under the predicament.In another words,the significance of the times.Mainly from the military significance,the impact on social order and social change,as well as the impact on social atmosphere are discussed.Of course,the continuation of the martial arts system also benefited from the esteem of the concept of Confucian generals,which was supported by the rulers and civil servants.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wu Jv system, Wu JV group, institutional dilemma, valuing literary talent above martial arts
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