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A Translation Report For Consumer Behaviour (Chapter 1-2)

Posted on:2021-01-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This translation report is based on the translation of Consumer Behavior written by Zubin Sethna and Jim Blythe.The Source Text was published in 2016 by SAGE Publications Ltd.The translator has not found any Chinese translation published yet.The 15 chapters in this book mainly analyze the consumer behavior from three aspects:consumer behavior in context,psychological issues,sociological issues.Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 intend to introduce an understanding of Consumer Behavior and marketing mix.There are four chapters in this translation report.The author first introduces the background and significance of the translation project in Chapter 1.Then the author briefly introduces the Source Text author,publication information,the subject and contents of the Source Text,and analyzes the linguistic features of the Source Text,the purpose of translation,the target readership,and general translation strategy.In the third chapter,the author mainly discusses difficulties in the translation project,including marketing case translation,term translation,and recreation of textbook writing style.Besides,the author analyzes the Source Text under the guidance of Reiss' s text typology.The original text is an informative text according to Reiss,furthermore,serves an operation function in the original text.Therefore,different translation methods should be applied in different text types.The author also takes the operation function of marketing cases into account based on Reiss' s text typology,thus render marketing cases more acceptably.Likewise,the author uses concise language to transmit full information in term translation.Also,the imitation will be employed to recreate the original writing style by maintaining the form of the Source Text.The last chapter concludes the experience learned from the translation project.
Keywords/Search Tags:Consumer behaviour, marketing, text types, translation strategies
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