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An Action Research On The Effects Of Teachers Classroom Verbal Feedback On Junior High School Students' English Learning Motivation

Posted on:2021-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L ZhouFull Text:PDF
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English is one of the three main subjects of junior high school.Whether a junior high school student can acquire an A plus in English Test directly affects whether he or she can be admitted to an ideal high school.Therefore,importance is attached to English learning.Based on five years of front-line teaching experience,through observation and analysis,the author found freshmen have a passion for English learning,thus creating a lively classroom atmosphere.Meanwhile,the author also reflects on the problems in her daily teaching and concludes that the means of offering feedback in the classroom need improving.Thus,the writer wonders if there is a relationship between the teacher's classroom feedback and the students' learning motivation?In this regard,the author advances a hypothesis that the teacher's classroom feedback method will have a positive impact on students' English learning motivation.In order to improve my teaching ability and students' learning motivation,combined with the possibility of practical operation,the author decided to employ action research to conduct research.Before the formal research,the author arranged the preparation stage to learn about the author's feedback in the classroom through classroom videos,and used questionnaires to understand the present situation of students' learning motivation and their judgement on my feedback in the classroom.Based on the preparation phase,the author arranged four action research stages.According to the classification of classroom feedback discourse,clear and specific goals were set for each stage.Regarding the classification of feedback methods,having consulted the reference literature and integrated with reality,the author divides them into the following twelve types: positive feedback,explicit correction,elicitation,clarification request,metalinguistic,repetition,recast,Elaboration,comment,criticism feedback,transfer feedback,zero feedback.Meanwhile,in practice,in addition to a single type offeedback,mixed types of feedback will also appear in the classroom.Through a semester of action research,the author investigated the student's learning motivation again,and found that the change was not significant.However,the mean of motivational dimensions has increased.Besides,the motivation classification of this study,borrowed from Gao Yihong's(2003)classification and based on students' reality,is divided into five dimensions: intrinsic interest,personal development,learning context,social responsibility,and media tools.Although the results of the data show that the motivation of the students before and after the research is not significant,the increase in the mean indicates that the motivation of the students has been changed.Also,through this research,the author's awareness and ability to use feedback have improved.The writer believes that only by accumulating experience and knowledge can one make advances and a teacher's proper feedback will definitely make a difference to student's learning motivation.
Keywords/Search Tags:teachers classroom verbal feedback, students' English learning motivation, action research
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