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The Visual Revolution And Aesthetic Style Of Early Impressionism

Posted on:2021-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YangFull Text:PDF
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Early Impressionism,represented by painters such as Monet,Renoir,Pissarro,Sisley,is regarded as one of the important marks of the appearance of Modern Art,because they triggered a visual revolution about "flatness".By betraying the perspective rules that have been continuously improved since the Renaissance,the early Impressionists returned to the material basis of painting itself and its two-dimensional planar characteristics.At the same time,in the exploration of new visual language,early Impressionists focused on the creative expression of painting elements such as light and color,and realized the visual revolution from the use of artificial light to natural light and the use of environmental colors to inherent colors.At the same time,in the exploration of new visual language,early Impressionists focused on the creative expression of painting elements such as light and color,and realized the visual revolution from the use of artificial light to natural light and the use of environmental colors to inherent colors.In the representation request to capture real impressions,early impressionism formed expressive and personalized brush strokes,and used this to respond to the world that they saw.However,the importance of the early Impressionism in the study of art history and aesthetics was not just a revolution in technology.More importantly,the early Impressionism provided visual "evidence" for the occurrence of modernity to a certain extent: it confirmed the characteristics of visual modernity and marked the transformation of the viewing relationship.This is particularly reflected in the challenge of many painters such as Monet to the omniscience and almighty visual model constructed by traditional painting.Through the compression of the depth of the space and the enhancement of the two-dimensional plane,the artists guide the viewer to realize the materiality of the painting and the limitation of vision,thusinducing the viewer 's desire to move to view,subverting from a fixed,ideal and unique perspective watch the tradition of paintings.Along with this,the way of viewing gradually established by the early Impressionists in painting practice actually constitutes a visual expression of a certain power relationship in the interlacing of the line of sight between viewing and being viewed.It is embedded in the modernization process of Western society since the 19 th century,and it also presents a crisis of the existence of the modern subject: the subject ' s self-sufficient authority as a viewer is weakened.In the process of responding to this crisis,early impressionists formed a new subjective identity through the reconstruction of the visual model,forming a symbolic will to pursue pure visual pleasure.To a certain extent,this will shows the early impressionist' exploration of the possibility of aesthetic salvation in the dilemma of modernity,which eventually turned into a visually pleasing and introspective image style.In the pursuit of the expression of the desire for pleasure,early impressionists entered the practice of "painting what I see".They abandon grand themes such as history,religion,and myth,and instead depict modern daily life landscapes,such as leisure methods,places of consumption,and fashionable women.Although Monet,Renoir,Pissarro,Sisley and other painters have their own forms and professional themes,but their works show stylized consistent quality and performance.The conscious pursuit and autonomous construction of formal self-discipline;the "effective" grasp of time and the fragmented capture of moments.What Shapiro said in Theory and Philosophy of Art constitutes the constant elements,qualities and expressions of the internal consistency of the early Impressionism,confirming the generation of modern visual aesthetic style.
Keywords/Search Tags:Early impressionism, Visual revolution, Modernity, Aesthetic style
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