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Research On The Emotional Labor Problem Of Community Workers From The Perspective Of Organizational Justice

Posted on:2021-03-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330605973758Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,emotional labor has become a new concept to distinguish physical labor and mental labor,and the research of emotional labor is favored by scholars at home and abroad.Since the research of emotional labor began in profit-making organizations,the related research on this issue in the later stage mostly focused on the business field.Only in recent years did people realize that the emotional labor problem of public sector staff is also very prominent.In the human resource management of public sector,due to the attention paid to some easily observed and effectively improved working skills in the short term,the management of emotional labor has been in a state of deficiency.The role of emotional labor has not been highlighted,no matter the job description,on-the-job training,performance management,salary design and other links.Community residents' committee belongs to the public sector.Community workers undertake the core function of community residents' committee and are the bridge between them.Their work content and nature determine that community workers need to communicate with community residents face to face every day and are the high incidence group of emotional labor.So it is necessary to take community workers as the research object of emotional labor.On the basis of consulting a large number of documents,this paper takes community workers in Suzhou as the research object,combines the theory of resource conservation,emotional event theory,and uses SPSS software to deal with the questionnaire data.It is found that the work of community workers has the following characteristics:wide coverage of work content,high work intensity;face-to-face interaction with community residents.Further explore the current situation and problems of community workers' emotional labor,found that the surface of community workers' emotional labor play prominent,deep play and natural expression are insufficient,job burnout is significant,which has a great negative impact on community workers.For which factors will affect the emotional labor strategies of organizational members,many scholars mainly summarize and analyze from the perspective of individual and situation,but through grass-roots research and combing of relevant literature and theories,we found that organizational justice may also significantly affect the choice of emotional labor strategy of community workers.Therefore,in view of the plight of community workers' emotional labor,this paper creatively looks for the reasons from the perspective of organizational justice,and make targeted suggestions from the perspective of organizational justice to play the positive role of community workers' emotional labor.
Keywords/Search Tags:community workers, emotional labor, organizational justice
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