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Research On The Development Of Weihai Wei Art Under The Influence Of Foreign Culture

Posted on:2021-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YangFull Text:PDF
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In the late Qing Dynasty,under the influence of Westernization Movement,the Qing government established the Beiyang Navy Fleet and stationed it in Weihai Wei Liu Gong Island,so the fishermen's island located in the eastern border of China suddenly entered the sight of the Chinese people.After the 1894-1895 Sino-Japanese War,let the silent Weihai Wei on the international stage.Because of the important economic and military value of Jiaodong area,which belongs to Weihai Wei in modern times,the great powers and countries followed,so the region was impacted by many foreign cultures.People's way of life,educational concept,scientific and technological development,artistic aesthetics and so on have all major changes.Wei Under the influence of foreign culture,Haiwei City also accelerated the modernization process of the city,and appeared a variety of art forms and works,especially in the form of Western painting watercolor,oil painting,sketch and so on began to sprout.The article is divided into five parts.The first part integrates the research background,concept definition,research status and research methods,and points out the significance and value of the research.The second part combs the historical background and structure of art development in Weihai area.The most important reason for promoting the diversification of Weihai Wei art forms since modern times is the immersion of imported culture.The complex living environment and humanistic factors have created a good spatial atmosphere for art creation.The influence of visual aesthetics and concept consciousness plays a role in the further study of the theme of the article.The third part explores the modern Wei Hai Wei art form For example,the aesthetic design of building architecture,the aesthetic expression of advertising industry and postal industry to promote commercial development,and the elements of Chinese and foreign fine arts in arts and crafts;diversity of modern foreign painting forms is the introduction of comics,prints,watercolor paintings,oil paintings and sketches;the study summarizes the artistic characteristics of imported urban art in this period.The fourth part discusses the influence of population migration and commercial development on the fine arts,the distribution of pictorial,pictorial and picture album,and the situation of art education,because the aesthetic acceptance of local intellectuals and art practitioners from modern to modern depends mainly on the aesthetic acceptance These modes of communication.The fifth part takes oil painting as an example to explore the present situation of Weihai Wei art development,because the number of oil paintings in Weihai City is the most representative of the art forms affected by imported culture.This paper summarizes the rise of regional oil painting creation,the significance of cross-regional communication among artists,the development of art related industries,and further discusses the concept of "localization",which is the future development road of regional oil painting creation in this city.Synthesizing the above process,to realize the diversified development of Weihai Wei art form and its practical value since modern times.
Keywords/Search Tags:foreign culture, Weihai Wei, art form, present situation
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