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Research On The Acceptance Of Yu Hua's Novels

Posted on:2021-05-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330605953857Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since Yu Hua was engaged in creation,he has won the favor of elite readers and mass readers through continuous innovation and challenges.It is worth noting difference in their acceptance of Yu Hua's novels.Therefore,This thesis focuses on "the acceptance of Yu Hua's novels",links the literary creation to the historical and cultural to reveal the story of literary production,circulation,consumption and reproduction in the process of "meaning generation" reflected in Yu Hua's novels,mainly explore following questions: What position does readers' acceptance occupy in Yu Hua's novels? How do readers "read" and accept Yu Hua's novels? What role does readers' acceptance in realizing the "social value" and "aesthetic value" of Yu Hua's novels? And what impact does it have on Yu Hua's attitude to novel creation? In this regard,this thesis divided into three chapters:Firstly,from a macro perspective,this thesis analyzes how the reading space of Yu Hua's "Vanguard" novels come into being.This thesis holds that the reason that Yu Hua receives attention from literary circle related to the formation of the "Vanguard literary trend of thought" in the 1980 s,which is related to the construction of "Pure literature" and "Literary ontology",with the purpose of pursuing "literary autonomy" and breaking the deadlock of "traditional realism ruling the literary".Therefore,when Ma Yuan,Yu Hua,Sun Ganlu and others used "how to write" to challenge "what to write" around 1985,they could be appreciated and supported by literary journals,literary editors,and literary critics.What' s more,Yu Hua's novels around 1986-1987 pursued a "hypocritical form" and "spiritual truth",which fits this literary atmosphere,and thus can win the attention of the literary circle.Secondly,from the perspective of "elite acceptance",thesis inspects how the elite readers in different periods accepted Yu Hua's novels,and in return what "discipline" and "occlusion" they caused to Yu Hua's novels.This thesis holds that elite readers' different understanding of the connotation of "Vanguard" affects their value judgments on Yu Hua's novel creation.Among them,the divergence between the meanings of "Formal Vanguard" and "Spirit Vanguard" is the key to judge Yu Hua's novel creation.In addition,the discipline caused by elite readers' acceptance is mainly manifested in Yu Hua's identity with "Vanguard writer" in his creation.However,critics' "discipline" to writers should not be overstated,because Yu Hua's creation is more largely determined by his own knowledge storage and aesthetic taste.In addition,the narrative of "Literary History" generally takes "Shouting in the Drizzle" as the transition of Yu Hua's novel creation——from "Vanguard" to "traditional".But "Literary History",as a teaching material has a natural advantage of "discourse",which is reflected through the educational institution.And the history writer' taste and narrative position can also affect their choices of materials and the judgment of the writer's works,which can also produce a certain "cover" of the writer's uniqueness.Thirdly,from the perspective of the "mass acceptance",examines how mass readers accepted Yu Hua's novels in some way,and how to "read" Yu Hua's novels.Summarizes the similarities and differences between mass readers' acceptance and elite readers' acceptance,and reflects the influence of mass readers on Yu Hua's creation attitude.This thesis holds that the ordinary readers' acceptance of Yu Hua's novels began after the "transformation" of the novel "To Live".The reason that Yu Hua's novels "Brothers" and "The Seventh Day" sell well is related to the quality of his previous novel of "To Live" and "Xu Sanguan Selling Blood".Therefore,based on the comments from the author online forums,such as Douban Reading,Sina Weibo,Zhihu,the author focuses on how "To Live" is accepted by the general readers.While sorting out and summarizing the relevant materials,it is found that there are two main modes of acceptance for the mass readers: one is the "inspirational" reading method,which believes that "To Live" contains a kind of spirit including "optimistic",diligent,positive,optimistic,and fearless.The other is the "historical" reading method,focusing on the "historical background" of the novel from the 40 s to the 70 s,and arguing whether the "historical narrative" is true.Compared with elite readers,the "review" of mass readers is more emotional and personal.In addition,the mass readers' influence on Yu Hua's writing attitude are mainly "writing style" and "the view of truth",which more emphasize "story telling" and "realistic reality".In one word,analyzing the acceptance of Yu Hua's novels by dividing the readers into two groups is not to raise one side or to debase another side.The study of the purpose is to analyze the "epistemologicla" differences and "cultural transition" information mapped behind the two acceptance modes,through the different aesthetic perspectives and acceptance reasons of both sides,so as to objectively view the times and life breath reflected by the two literature acceptance mentalities.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Vanguard Novels", Yu Hua's Novels, Acceptance, Elitist, Mass
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