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Analysis Of Ethical Problems In Algorithmic Monitoring And Its Countermeasures

Posted on:2021-04-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X HaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330605458767Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the increasing influence and control of algorithm in industrial production,human life and social communication,the algorithm age is coming quietly.Monitoring in the context of algorithms,as an academic proprietary word,is the object of "person"rather than "thing",that is,the "person" observation,tracking or checking.With the wide application of algorithmic technology,the analysis of ethical issues brought about by its monitoring is bound to become an important part of the future digital economy development.The paper is divided into three parts:The first part(chapter two):On the basis of the historical comb of human monitoring,this paper analyses the appearance,essence and characteristics of this new monitoring method of algorithm monitoring,and points out that the appearance of algorithm monitoring is the embodiment of the survival and development needs of enterprises in the era of big data,and the essence of algorithm monitoring is "Gestell" and "Mega machine",which has the characteristics of metaphor and shaping.The second part(chapter three):This paper discusses the ethical problems in algorithmic monitoring from the perspective of people and society.First of all,the algorithm is value-based in the form of the unity of "combined regularity" and"combined purpose" in technical practice.Then,combined with the relevant case analysis to point out that the ethical problems in algorithm monitoring mainly include:the erosion of human mechanization and autonomy,algorithmic discrimination and personal privacy leakage,information cocoons and social break-up,etc.The third part(chapter four):Through the analysis of the ethical problems of algorithm monitoring,this paper emphasizes that we should take corresponding countermeasures to ensure that the technology becomes a "tool for the benefit of mankind on a large scale" rather than a "mass mathematical weapon".From three levels to give the response strategy:at the human level,individuals should be alert to the danger of "exposure-monitoring",clear the responsibility of algorithm designers and strengthen the consultation and exchange of experts in different fields;at the level of technology research and development and application,algorithm research and development should follow the basic principle of "humanization",but we can not only put forward this principle as a slogan,more importantly,in the process of specific technical practice to implement and realize this principle and increase the transparency of algorithm technology;at the level of system norms,the development of algorithmic review and supervision system and the formulation of relevant laws and regulations to regulate the development of algorithm technology.In short,with the rapid development of algorithmic technology,its monitoring brought about by a variety of ethical issues will endanger social development,but we do not need to panic,we should admit that it has great destructive power at the same time,try to control it,develop a variety of corresponding strategies to use algorithm monitoring for the benefit of society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Algorithmic monitoring, Ethical issues, Strategy
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