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The Symbolic Study Of Perspective

Posted on:2021-02-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Z LanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330605455243Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the core foundation of European traditional visual art perspective has promoted the development of western traditional art.The planarization of perspective space in the Middle Ages is a necessary stage for the transformation from the imprecise and empirical three-dimensional space to the systematic three-dimensional perspective space in ancient Greece and Rome.This paper applies semiotics,iconology and other research methods to explore the symbolism behind perspective--characteristics of Western culture,including ways of thinking,behavior and social culture,through sorting out the development of the mechanism of picture space construction in this period.During the middle Ages,the development of perspective aroused the reflection on the relationship between art and science.As a science,the "retrogression" of the Middle Ages was a necessary step in progress.The perspective method takes science as the internal logical clue,and the development process towards the picture with optical unity is a continuous progress.The development of perspective towards the rationalization of science is inevitable,including the inevitability of artistic will,the inevitability of technology and the instinctive pursuit of reality.However,perspective,as a method,is not simply to learn knowledge from science.Art and science evolve in the same logic and have their own independence,which is also the reason for the regression phenomenon.The two-dimensional development of perspective in the Middle Ages reflects the relationship between faith and reason.On the one hand,religious theology promoted and hindered the development of perspective.When rationality is highlighted,the pursuit of reality is enhanced.When faith suppresses reason,painting,as a visual communication tool of religious teachings,is no longer particularly important.The development of perspective construction mechanism in different periods shows the change of religious concept.Perspective is applicable to the period of faith and rationality.After the emergence of the trend of rational reflection in the 19 th century,perspective gradually ceased to be the only choice for artists and began to try other ways to organize images.The development of perspective is the process of objectifying the essential power of human being.The emphasis of the baseline,the grasp of the objects in Giotto's "three-disc system" in characterization and the concentration of the focus from a line to a point in the picture reflect the process of the interaction between the subject and the object.At the same time,in the process of presenting the object through perspective,the subject confirms the essential power of the person through perceiving the object.The ability to infer the projection center from any point of view,the regional distribution difference of painting space in the middle Ages,the development of scientific perspective and the active consciousness of the painter and viewer to the depth of the picture all prove the "robustness" of human vision,and the essential power of human can be confirmed in this process.The "retrograde" phenomenon of perspective space in the Middle Ages is a necessary stage for the development of scientific perspective space.Through the research on the development of the application mechanism of perspective in painting space,and the revelation of the relationship between art and science,belief and reason,and objectification and self-establishment behind perspective,the characteristics of Western culture can be understood more closely.And painting(oil painting)must be better mastered on the basis of understanding this culture.The "retrogression" mechanism of perspective works only within the framework of Western culture,which also helps us understand Chinese painting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Perspective, Middle Ages, Symbolic
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