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A Survey Of Chinese Learning Motivation Of Egyptian College Students

Posted on:2021-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F F A T M A E L Z H R A A Full Text:PDF
GTID:2415330602991499Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the process of foreign language learning,the learner's motivation is one of the most important factors in determining the success or failure of learning a foreign language.Motivation research started in Canada.In recent years,more and more foreign language teachers and researchers have paid attention to this problem.With the development and deepening of motivation research,the concept of "motivation(motivated weakening)" Demotion has gradually entered the researcher's field of vision.A large number of research results show that teachers 'influence on learners' motivation plays a very important role in the teaching process.In fact,the learner's motivation for learning is dynamic and may increase or decrease.Once the learning motivation is weakened,it will cause the learner's interest in learning and learning efficiency to decline,and the effect will become worse,which will eventually affect foreign language learning and even some learners may choose to give up foreign language learning.Based on previous studies,the author analyzes the important factors that weaken the learner's motivation to learn a foreign language-the learner,the teacher,and other external factors.With the advancement of the "Belt and Road" initiative,many Egyptian students chose Chinese as the undergraduate major.The author took the Chinese learning motivation of Egyptian Chinese students as the research object and studied the learning motivation of these students through questionnaires and interviews.The main contents of this article are as follows:First of all,this article will define and summarize the research achievements of the second foreign language learning motivation at home and abroad and the research achievements of Chinese learning motivation.Secondly,this article will introduce in detail the survey and research process of Chinese learning motivation of Egyptian Chinese learners,such as the presentation of related questions,the design of questionnaires,the selection of survey samples,the process of research,the process of data analysis and collationFinally,through data analysis and sorting,this paper discovered the phenomenon of weakening the motivation of Egyptian Chinese learners to learn Chinese Furthermore,this article will analyze the causes of "weakened motivation" and provide teaching suggestions on how to improve or further motivate Chinese learners in Egypt.This article is divided into five chaptersChapter 1:To briefly explain the definition of "motivation",and explain the origin and background of the topic,and clarify the object and points of this study.Chapter ?:Research Review,Literature Review of Motivation and Demotivation Research in Second Language Teaching.Chapter 3:This chapter will show the detailed information of the survey subjects,as well as the research methods and the results of interviews with students and teachers.Research on the study motivation of Egyptian Chinese learners.Through investigation and study on the learning motivation of Egyptian Chinese learners,the author found that the phenomenon of demotivation exists,and found the influencing factors of weakening(demotivation)of learning motivation.Chapter 4:Through the analysis of the above survey results,this article provides some methods for Chinese teachers to improve teaching.Chapter 5:Conclusion The conclusion of this article is:Egyptian Chinese learners have strong motivation at the language level,but some external factors encountered in the learning process have caused some students to decline their interest in Chinese learning process have caused some students to lose interest in Chinese learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:motivation, weakened motivation, Egyptian Chinese learners
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