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Confucianism In Chinese Philosophy

Posted on:2020-06-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:ANA DJIKANOVICFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330602956173Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The founder of Confucianism was a man named Kong Qiu,later known as Kong Fuzi,or Master Kong and finally Confucius in the West.Confucianism is essentially an enlightened form of the cult of ancestors,and by its social significance-the attempt to unite family and clan structures and the state.Confucian "humanity" ? nurtured through learning traditional family virtues,and then through their expansion into the growing sphere of tribal communities,while "humanity," for the ruler,is able to rule the entire world.Confucius' utopia of"humanity" was a combination of ethics,social relations,and politics.The Analects(anthology)is considered as a coherent and accurate record of Master's teaching recorded during his lifetime or perhaps shortly after his death.In modern terms.The Analects is social relations' moral and ethical philosophy.It works just like in your own family while applying to state governance and international relations.The earliest explicit quotation of The Analects is by another early text,Liji or the Record of Rites.In general,Liji underscores moral principles in its treatment of such subjects as royal regulations.development of rites,ritual objects and sacrifices,education,music,the behaviour of scholars,and the doctrine of the mean(zhongyong ??).This thesis discusses Chinese philosophy and Confucianism.I chose this topic with the aim to better explore Chinese philosophy from my perspective,because I think it has the same origin in a comprehensive,holistic and systemic observation and understanding of life as the philosophy I am coming from.The first part of the research aims to present the historical circumstances in which Confucius developed into great philosopher,Confucius himself,Confucianism,and its influence on the people.The second part,after the research,will explain why the author has chosen to do a research on Confucianism,how the author felt this philosophy,and to analyse the crucial principles inConfucianism.Also presented is my personal vision of it,in real,everyday life of a young woman who is creating her path in life.In order to understand the topic,I had to explore pre-Confucianism,the age of Confucius and post-Confucianism.The Analects further guided me through Confucius religious mission,Heavenly Mandate,Wu-Wei and the Rule of Virtue.By studying the philosophy of Confucius I have seen that humanness is the foundation of a man;the long term and the process are linked to evolutionary,gradual,lasting results,life without borders(without frames like birth and death);changes are said to be the only constants;I have experienced spontaneity like a personal navigation which is formed and strengthened only with the experience.I believe that the Confucius and his philosophy are eternal.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese Phiosophy, Confucianism, The Analects, Humanity, Moral
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