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War And Gender

Posted on:2021-05-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J P MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330602466040Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since modern times,Chinese women have experienced a process of gender liberation in politics,economy and society.This process includes not only the rights of the Chinese themselves,but also the influence of Western Feminism.With the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War,the relationship between women's liberation and national liberation has become even closer in the field of war.Women demand to break free from the traditional shackles and gain equality and freedom,but at the same time they must shoulder the responsibility of protecting their families and their country.Throughout the Anti-Japanese War,Shandong was behind the enemy.There were three forces and their controlled areas,including the Communist Party of China,the Kuomintang and the Japanese puppets.At the same time,these three forces struggle and entangle with each other.It was in this environment that Shandong built the only Anti-Japanese base area named after the province during the Anti-Japanese War.All these included women who accounted for about half of the population.Various regimes and forces,for different purposes,have formulated their own policies on women,thus affecting their lives in all aspects.In modern times,although women have a strong voice for participating in politics,Shandong women are relatively quiet because of the strict etiquette and law.After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War,the times gave women the right to participate in politics.Both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party of China have stepped up the training of women and established women's organizations to help women participate in the social cause of Shandong's Anti-Japanese rescue.The Japanese and puppet authorities also stepped up to include women in wartime rule and set up puppet women's organizations in order to maintain their colonial rule.After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War,Shandong women,under the guidance of the policies of the Communist Party of China and the Kuomintang,further broke the social division of labor “outside the male lead and inside the femalelead” and actively participated in social production.This approach has not only achieved economic benefits,but also improved its status.However,the employment of women in the Kuomintang controlled areas has gradually declined with the promotion of "women go home” by the Kuomintang Central Committee and the shrinking of the Kuomintang controlled areas in Shandong Province.Although the Japanese puppet regime mobilized women to participate in agriculture and industrial production,its purpose was to include women in the occupied area into its colonial labor system and exploit and oppress them.Although women's education in Shandong has achieved certain results since modern times,the cultural quality of women in rural areas of Shandong is still low,and it is difficult to adapt to the needs of the struggle against the enemy.Therefore,in Shandong area,the communist party of China has carried out various forms of education for women cadres and ordinary women.The Kuomintang controlled area was in a bad environment in wartime,but the Kuomintang also attached great importance to women's education,trying to restore school education and train women's domestic skills.The Japanese and Puppet regimes implemented enslavement education of different levels to local women in Shandong and students in concentration camps,in order to achieve the purpose of cultivating the " Second-class docile people" for Japan.In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War,in order to make Shandong women out of their families,the communist party of China and the Kuomintang carried out independent marriage reform and new family construction.Women in the base areas and Kuomintang controlled areas have been liberated to a certain extent in terms of marriage and body.However,the Communist Party of Shandong forced marriage and other policies,resulting in the conflict of gender and revolution.The Kuomintang was attacked by the enemy,and the Kuomintang controlled area was in a low state,so the policy of women's marriage and family was not well implemented.The Japanese and Puppet regimes feared that women in occupied areas who went out to participate in social activities would develop into revolutionary forces.Therefore,they vigorously advocated feudal ethics in women's marriage and family,publicized Japanese womenas an example,and criticized the progressive concept of marriage and love.By examining the changes of women's life in Shandong base areas,Kuomintang controlled areas and Japanese puppet occupied areas during the period of Anti-Japanese War,it can be knew that although women's living conditions are different in various regions,they are all suffering,and women in the occupied areas are also persecuted by Japanese puppet and Japanese invaders.In addition,it can be knew that the relationship between women and the state is not that women are only responsible to the state.The country should also face up to the demands of women and give them rights,so as to realize the true liberation of women.
Keywords/Search Tags:The Communist Party of China, The Kuomintang, The Japanese puppet regime, Shandong women
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