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Research On Shanxi Mercer In Qing Dynasty

Posted on:2021-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330602465715Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shanxi mercer are important representatives of small and medium businessmen in the Jinshang Group.The cloth products they manage are closely related to people's production and life,and have a certain impact on the social economy.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the production of cloth in Shanxi was very limited.Shanxi mercer depended on a strong cloth demand market;the government promoted the vigorous cultivation of cash crops and the teaching of textiles;Han and Mongolia exchanges;Under the combined effect of many factors,it has gradually emerged and developed.During this period,Shanxi mercer extensively established contacts with merchants from other provinces,purchased cloth from various places for sale,and the procurement and sales channels became smooth,becoming the main operator of the northern cloth market.The business activities of mercer in Shanxi have undergone a change from businessmen to businessmen,and their business methods have also realized the transformation from relying on dental shops to operate geographically as the core,opening cloth shops and cloth villages to operate independently.Businessmen have generally adopted the business model of general partnership,family partnership,and social capital partnership.There are various types of cloths operated by Shanxi mercer,including mercerized silk,Yuci large cloth,cotton cloth,and foreign cloth,etc.,which can meet the various consumer needs of the people.During this period,Shanxi mercer had a wide range of trade activities,and their footprints almost covered the whole country,especially in northern markets such as Beijing,Tianjin,Hebei,Shaanxi,Shandong,and Mongolia.Hubei,Jiangsu,Sichuan,and other provinces in the south were also involved.In addition,they will also extend their development footprint to Japan,Russia and other regions,and actively carry out international trade.In modern times,with the invasion of Western powers,China was forced to become involved in the capitalist market system.Facing"the situation that hasn't changed in the millennium"-the distribution of Yangbu(??)in the Chinese market,Shanxi mercer adjusted their business strategies in a timely manner,and took active measures such as selling Yangbu(??),introducingadvanced foreign machinery and equipment,and improving homespun cloth.Shanxi mercer'explorations and attempts in the modern market system have distinctive characteristics of the times,which have promoted the development of the cloth market and China's social and economic progress to a certain extent.During the Ming and Qing dynasties,Huishang merchants and Jinshang merchants each led the northern and southern businesses with their strong economic strength.Shanxi and Huizhou merchants also had their own unique characteristics.Due to differences in cultural concepts and geographical locations,there is a significant difference between Shanxi mercer and Huizhou mercer in commercial activities.As far as business methods are concerned,Huizhou mercer and Shanxi mercer have generally adopted a partnership model in the Qing Dynasty.Huizhou The mercer are mainly family partnerships.The general partnership and social capital partnership development model of Shanxi mercer has become the mainstream.In terms of management methods,Huizhou mercer rely on kinship and emphasize clan control.Shanxi mercer focus on internal incentives.Fully motivate employees to work.From the perspective of trade areas,the trade areas of Shanxi mercer are concentrated in the northern market and have close relations with the markets of Japan,Russia,and Mongolia.The trade areas of Huizhou mercer are mainly distributed in the southern market,while actively developing trade with Japan and the United Kingdom.During the Ming and Qing dynasties,Shanxi cloth dealers were widely active in various parts of the country.They played a positive role in promoting regional economic and cultural exchanges,promoting the development of cloth-related industries,driving population movements and urban construction,and protecting the interests of the cloth groups.The government's exploitation,the impact of foreign cloth,the impact of the war,and the limitations of its own development eventually led Shanxi mercer to decline.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming and Qing dynasties, Shanxi mercer, development, influence
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