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"The Twists And Turns Of Development" In The Song

Posted on:2020-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330599952085Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Chinese Communist Party has always used songs as a means of propaganda and mobilization,and has been willing to carry out transformation and continuation to achieve the connection between the upper and lower.From 1956 to 1966,the song developed and prospered in the mass singing movement carried out widely.The song is influenced by the times and reflects the face of the times and has a negative effect on social development."Songs" is one of the representatives of the mass music journals at that time.The types of songs included mass songs,revolutionary songs,movie songs,etc.,and the mass songs dominated.The mass songs are the means of policy propaganda.They cooperate with the political movements,mobilize the masses,and transmit and shape the mainstream values of the society.The singing and singing of the whole people also promotes the development of literature and art to a certain extent,and is also the way to enrich the spiritual culture of the people.This provides practical significance for further exploring the relationship between songs and social history with "Songs".The content of the Songs has a concentrated reflection on “the twists and turns of the development” from 1956 to 1966.It reflects the political movements during the period of socialist construction,the life of workers,peasants and soldiers,and the social expectations of young people.Political,combative and revolutionary romanticism.This article intends to use "Songs" magazine as the main text to examine the historical development of the twists and turns of 1956-1966,and to discuss the interactive relationship between songs and the times through historical clues.The introduction part mainly introduces the significance,research status,research methods and research difficulties of this research.The first chapter briefly introduces the social background and development of songs in this period.The second chapter mainly analyzes the domestic and international political movements reflected in the songs,focusing on the Great Leap Forward and the people's commune movement,the study of the super-learning Daqing Dazhai movement,the socialist education movement and the international anti-imperialist movement.These political movements basically constitute the political main line of historical development during this period.The third chapter mainly discusses the life of the workers,peasants and soldiers in the song,and discusses the political influence they receive.The fourth chapter discusses the young people going to the countryside and their political expectations and the life and ideological education in the special era of children.The conclusion part summarizes the full text,clarifies the development of the song mapping era,and is also influenced by the times.
Keywords/Search Tags:song, socialist construction, mapping, political
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