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Moral Studies On The Narrative Form Of Lu Xun's Novels

Posted on:2020-03-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y R XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330599455049Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The thesis starts with the specific narrative forms and the moral discussions in Lu's novels,which can be divided specifically into three chapters: the first chapter discusses the moral concerns contained in the narrations,and how Lu Xun's novels creations reflect the avantgarde via narrative forms which are different from the Chinese classical novels.As the critic of ancient Chinese literature and the explorer of western modern literature,Lu Xun abandoned the discipline like “Deciding everything by one man's say” in the ancient Chinese vernacular novels and looked for references from the narrative strategies of western novels.When using the first person in narration,Lu still reduced the influence of the author's consciousness on the text as much as possible.He created a new mode of vernacular novels through the separation of subject and object,the author retreat,double focus and other narrative techniques.Unlike most authors in the May 4th period,Lu attempted to explore the ethical issues with more objective and rational ways to manifest the individual human nature struggles in complex society instead of emotional humanitarian.This reflection on morality was not only incarnated to the characters in the novels,but also reflected in the narrator thinking and Lu's self-struggle.The second chapter describes the expression of moral feelings in narrative forms.This chapter focuses on the influence of narrative distance and orientation in Lu's novels on the expression of moral feelings in novels.As intellectuals,the author can automatically stand on the moral high ground because of the class differences when describing the life difficulties of the people at the bottom,which leads to the weakened authenticity of works.Lu used different narrative voices and perspectives to eliminate this problem in the narrative orientation,and he made the description more objective by widening the narrative distance.On the one hand,this narrative technique eliminates the author's narrative pressure and moral pressure;on the otherhand,it seems to be an escape from the author's own contradictory moral standing.How does Lu balance this moral pressure in narrative technique is the focus of this chapter.The third chapter contains the contents about the writer and the world,which means to reflect on the flow of the four elements of literature inside and outside the text as well as the moral choice behind it.Lu's profoundness is not only reflected in his whipping and criticizing the external world,but also in his self-reflection.This chapter shows Lu's views on the background of the times and different classes in his novels first,demonstrating his critical and sympathetic attitude towards different classes through the characters and plots.Then,this chapter trys to find specific narrative processing methods in the text,such as satires to show Lu's complex and contradictory inner choice.Eventually,this chapter focuses on Lu's self-reflection,which means he reflected on his own moral position as well as the moral position of the intellectual class.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lu Xun's Novels, Narration Form, Morality Study
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