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Research On The Music Ethical Thought Of Confucius

Posted on:2020-01-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B X SongFull Text:PDF
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Chinese music has always emphasized the integration of music and ethics.Confucius' s ethical thoughts are broad,covering political ethics,economic ethics,music ethics and many other fields.In The Analects,he discusses important topics such as the relationship between music and ethics and the ethical standards of good music.His thoughts reflect the characteristics of music and ethics,and have certain systemicity.The ethical thought of music is an important part of Confucius' ethical ideology,which is highly consistent with the ideological tradition of Chinese music advocates "Music and ethics".He believes that music also has the function of "Traveling the road".The "Dao" conveyed by it refers to the ethical thought of human beings.Confucius expressed his musical ethical thoughts from the aspects of creation,appreciation and evaluation of music,and proposed a musical ethical thought with the main content of "Thinking without evil","Beauty and goodness" and "Perfection".In the content of music,Confucius advocates "Thinking without evil",that is,the content of music must be real and pure,and it is required that music creators and appreciators should treat music art with a noble moral emotion.In the emotional expression of music,Confucius emphasizes "Neutralization",which requires people to use music to express their emotions moderately.On the issue of the relationship between music content and form,Confucius advocated“Gentleman”,which requires the perfect combination of content and form of music.In the music evaluation standard,Confucius advocates "Perfection",which requires music to achieve the unity of phonological beauty and ethical good.Modern music has the problem of rejecting ethics,and theconsequence is the terrible reality that leads to the increasing number of "No ethical" music works.Studying Confucius' s musical ethics has certain theoretical and practical implications for modern music creation,appreciation and evaluation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ethical thought, Gentleman, Perfection
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