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Abstract Language Expression In Fibrous Murals

Posted on:2020-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LiuFull Text:PDF
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The production of reinforced concrete has changed our environment,made the space more solid and durable,and to a certain extent reduced the damage of natural disasters to us.But this kind of material also makes the space become cold and monotonous,lacking certain individuality and regionality,making the space more and more identical.Fiber fresco,as a unique kind of painting,not only creates an easy-going and warm atmosphere,but also eases the apathy in the modern architectural environment space by means of various creative materials,rich texture performance,changeable production means,contingency and freedom of schematic structure and unique charm of tactile beauty and visual beauty.Among them,abstract language as a form of expression of fiber murals,its point,line,surface,color,composition and the unique language of fiber itself(material,texture,shape,technology,etc),more in line with modern people's aesthetic needs and emotional demands.What kind of material to choose to shape,what kind of technology to express,and what kind of pictures to reflect,this is a problem that troubles me in the creation.So to solve these problems,this exploration is the key.According to the research,the whole is based on the abstract language expression in the fiber fresco to solve the problem of its practical application.Generally divided into four parts,the first part is the introduction;the second part clarifies the conceptual characteristics and the connotation and classification of abstract expression of fiber murals;the third part will discuss how abstract language is expressed in fiber murals and how its characteristics are embodied in fiber murals from material,technology,schema and space.The fourth part is to start with graduation creation,mainly elaborating the purpose of creation and the concrete embodiment of abstract language in creation.By elaborating the unique social and aesthetic value of fiber fresco as a public art which is different from other frescoes,this paper effectively sorted out the related content of abstract language expression in fiber fresco,supplemented the theoretical knowledge of studying fiber fresco from abstract language,and gave theoretical guidance in practice.Figure49;Table0;Reference 47.
Keywords/Search Tags:fiber mural, abstract expression, material, technology
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