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On The Image Building Of Dance Creation

Posted on:2020-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H WangFull Text:PDF
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The images of artistic works are specific and emotional,and embody certain emotional content and cultural connotation.In the creation of dance,most of them are based on literary works.Lin Huaimin's "Nine Songs" is an image of characters in literary works mapped to the stage of dance drama.The interpretation of literary works "Nine Songs" from the perspective of modern people is a blend of reality and myth,contemporary thoughts,witch culture and classical literature.It reproduces gods on the stage,deconstructs destiny and control with extended poems,and embodies profound cultural implications.This article tries to interpret the shaping of the dance image under the Chinese cultural connotation in the dance "Nine Songs" from the perspective of the choreographer,starting from the selection of Chinese classical literature,then to the dance vocabulary of Chinese traditional limbs,as well as the stage de--sign of Chinese philosophical implication and the selection of Chinese traditional music.From the analysis of the "Nine Songs" and its own creation practice,we can get the inspiration and thinking of the dance image shaping and cultural relationship,Due to the im-portance of image and cultural expression in dance creation,the author uses Lin Huaimin's dance drama "Nine Songs" as a reference to analyze the image creation and cultural expr-ession of dance creation.Through literature,folklore,history,fine arts,dance choreography,dance morphology and other perspectives,the author reads literature and views image data,conducts investigation and analysis,and then carries out creation practice.Finally,the author summarizes the writing,providing reference for other researchers and expanding the development situation of dance creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:CloudGate, DanceCollection, NineSongs, DanceImages, DanceCreation, Culture
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