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Studying Writing Of The Wandering Behavior Of Intellectuals In The May 4th Literary Works

Posted on:2020-08-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578974481Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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This thesis is a study of the writing of wandering behaviors of intellectuals in the May Fourth literary works.During the May Fourth period,the wandering behaviors of intellectuals were very frequent.When they projected this state of life into literary works,there appeared a wandering narrative work that was a grand view.To a certain extent,the image of intellectuals in the works was the intellectuals of the May Fourth Movement.Self-projection.Therefore,this article explores the living conditions and spiritual world of "outside mirror" intellectuals through the image of wandering intellectuals in the"mirror image" of literature,thus revealing the era significance of the wandering of the May Fourth intellectuals.The introduction sets out the basis and significance of the topic,the research status,research plans and innovations,and defines the extension and connotation of important concepts.The first chapter selects The Passer-by,Drift Trilogy and Sinking and Journey in the works of May 4th literature.The characters in four works present a variety of wandering forms.In Lu Xun's work,The Passer-by actively chooses wandering and regards it as a form of life and a way of being,which shows the wanderer's unremitting exploration of the spiritual world.Yu Dafu and Guo Moruo regarded Wandering as a passive choice for intellectual youth.They had to study abroad.The individual will is oppressed by reality,and their heart has no destination.In Zhang Wentian's writing,"Wandering" is the realization of the spirit of intellectual youth.The love experience the sense of nature on the wandering,can give the power of knowledge youth,and they let him find the direction of life,from the wandering to the path of revolution.These three types of wanderers present three kinds of wandering forms:actively wandering forever,being forced to wander outside,and actively ending of wandering.Although the wandering style and emotional color are different,these three types of wanderers also have many things in common,for example,their social status is humble.,and the character is sensitive and suspicious.In short,they are infiltrated with the unique spirit of the May Fourth Movement,and they have a distinctive mark the May Fourth period.To a large extent,they can reflect the situation of writing in the May Fourth period.The second chapter discusses the significance of the writings on the wandering behavior of intellectuals by the May Fourth Writers.The wandering behavior is characterized by constant walking,showing a life form full of vitality,and injecting dynamic power into the static traditional Chinese civilization.At the same time,the May Fourth writings expressed the concern of the May Fourth intellectuals for personal emotional experience,and the thinking about his own destiny.It highlights the natural nature and free will of "human beings",adds a humanistic and humanitarian color to the wandering narrative.These all make it shine with the spirit of modernity.The behavior of intellectuals from wandering to returning reflects the intellectual choice and role transformation of intellectuals,which always takes the needs of the country and the national interests as the core.It expresses the May Fourth patriotism and inherits the patriotic feelings of intellectuals.From the perspective of cultural factors and real life,The third chapter explores the cause of frequently writing of Intellectual wandering behavior,which is wrote by modern writers has a distinctive spirit of the May Fourth Movement.One reason is that intellectual wandering temperament not only is innate psychological motivation of their wandering behavior,but also the underlying causes of the long-standing existence of stray narrative.During the period of frequent wars and dynasties,Intellectuals often wandered around and sought refuge.In the modern society transition period,because of the abolition of the imperial examination and the downward movement of social status,Intellectuals flowed from the court to the private sector and became a free-flowing group.The wandering situation make intellectuals often write the theme of "wandering"into literary works which continues from ancient times to the present.Another reason is that the wandering situation of the May Fourth intellectuals is the driving factor.At the height of the May Fourth Movement,intellectuals were the leaders of social change.However,when the May Fourth Ebb,the new cultural team gradually split.The social status of intellectuals fell,and their ideals of enlightenment fell,At the same time,their living space was turbulent,and the state of mind was puzzling.So intellectuals fell into the dual situation of wandering and spiritual wandering.These wandering life experiences can stimulate the writer's freedom and promote the birth of stray narrative works.
Keywords/Search Tags:the May Fourth literature, writing of wandering behavior, intellectuals
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