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Development Principles Of Artificial Intelligence And Ethical Review Mechanism

Posted on:2020-06-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M H WangFull Text:PDF
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Artificial intelligence technology started in the 1950 s,after more than half a century of theory and technology precipitation,ushered in the current stage of artificial intelligence technology blowout development,the application of artificial intelligence technology has also been greatly expanded.The application and development of artificial intelligence technology have greatly changed human social life,at the same time,there are also a series of social ethical risks.What kind of influence will artificial intelligence technology have on the development of human society? How to regulate the development and application of artificial intelligence technology from the perspective of social ethics? How to define the ethical boundary of the development of artificial intelligence technology has gradually become the forefront of the development of social artificial intelligence.The search for answers to these questions has become an important topic in applied ethics,natural sciences,governments and relevant international organizations.This paper attempts to take the social ethical risk existing in the development of AI technology as the breakthrough point,focusing on the ethical development principles and review mechanism of AI,trying to find a way to standardize the development of AI technology.Firstly,according to the current development and application of AI technology,the main social ethical risks are: safety problems caused by AI products,social positioning problems of AI products,fault attribution problems of AI products,social justice problems caused by AI products.Through the comprehensive comparative analysis of the above problems,we can find the reasons behind these ethical risk problems mainly include: artificial intelligence technology itself is not mature,industry standards are not perfect enough,social laws and regulations are incomplete,the development of social ethical principles lags behind,the public's awareness is low,and so on.Secondly,through the analysis of the six principles of AI development in China and the representative of AI development principles,this paper concludes that AI development should adhere to the principles of value orientation: assistant service principle,security development principle,gradual principle,the principle of power and responsibility consistency.These values should be the basic principles of the development of artificial intelligence,as well as the aspirations and expectations of human society for the development of artificial intelligence technology.Finally,the purpose is to deal with the social ethical risk in the application of AI by discussing the connotation,significance and organization construction of AI ethical review mechanism.To establish ethical review mechanism,we must first understand the connotation of ethical review,and divide the connotation of artificial ethical review mechanism into three dimensions: the purpose of ethical review,the stage of ethical review and the basis of ethical review.After clarifying the connotation of AI ethical review mechanism,this paper analyses the significance of establishing AI review mechanism from two aspects: defining AI development field and guiding AI development direction.The establishment of ethical review mechanism needs not only theoretical demonstration,but also social practice of ethical review relying on relevant institutions.This paper also makes a comprehensive discussion on the establishment of AI ethics review institution from the organizational form of AI ethics review institution,the personnel composition of the review institution and the power and obligation of the review institution.
Keywords/Search Tags:artificial intelligence, ethical risk, development principles, ethical review mechanism
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