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On The Modern Concept And Creation Practice Of Gulong's Martial Arts Novels

Posted on:2020-12-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578950760Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Gulong is not only a generation of master of Hong Kong and Taiwan's new martial arts novels,but also a prolific writer.He has created more than 70 martial arts novels in his life,totaling more than 10 million words,which has to surprise people with his strong creative power.He was influenced by foreign detective and reasoning novel techniques,combined with the "classical" foundation of traditional martial arts novels,created a characteristic martial arts reasoning novel,and established his own unique style in narrative,language,plot construction and so on.It opens up a new situation for the modern transformation of martial arts novels.This paper systematically analyzes Gulong's martial arts novels from two aspects: content and technique,and absorbs reservations from traditional martial arts novels.The excellent elements of western literature and the effective integration of western literary ideas to sort out the modern ideas presented in his martial arts novels.This paper is divided into five chapters.The first chapter of the paper mainly starts from the generation of the modern concept of Gulong martial arts novels,combined with the personal experience of Gulong and the social and cultural background at that time to sort out the background of the creation of Gulong martial arts novels.At the same time,it combs the development of modern concept of martial arts novels and the formation of modern ideas of ancient dragon martial arts novels.As a traditional Chinese novel style,martial arts novels are everlasting,and the root supporting martial arts novels is the "classicality" contained in them.Therefore,the modern concept shown in the creation of Gulong martial arts novels is not a worldwide modern idea in the absolute sense,which must include the "classical"compared with the previous martial arts novels.As far as sex is concerned,on the basis of this,we can more objectively study the modern ideas shown in Gulong's martial arts novels and how the modern ideas guide Gulong's novel writing.As a kind of popular literature,martial arts novels have a wide range of readers' foundation,coupled with the prosperity of the publishing industry at that time,which played an important role in promoting the dissemination of martial arts novels.The social environment is relativelyfree,which also provides a good external environment for the creation of martial arts novels,so Gulong can widely absorb the ideas and skills of foreign novels.First of all,under the influence of the modern legal concept,Gulong began to wake up to the use of"force",and the violence in his works began to be " In addition,the ancient dragon is also influenced by the modern urban citizen's formed system.In addition,the Jianghu seldom has a sect in the Jianghu.Instead,it is a kind of mysterious Jianghu organization.These organizations are similar to the modern company and the gangster,from top to bottom,to the system.Second,for the sensitive capture of the times,the ancient dragon's martial arts novel is full of nothingness,the chivalrous people seek their own desires under the extreme division of emotion and reason.Finally,The ancient dragon actively draws on the artistic skill of the western literary works,and creatively introduces the detective inference model into the martial arts novel,and At the same time,the montage's artistic technique is integrated in the novel to make up for the logic of his lack of martial arts novels with the sense of painting.In terms of language style,it draws lessons from Hemingway's concise and meaningful telegram language,and forms its own language style.The second chapter mainly discusses the inheritance and innovation of the "Wu" in the ancient dragon martial arts novel from the influence of the modern legal system and the social system.At the same time,he took the attitude of restraint and resolution of force,and transferred the center of gravity of the martial arts novel to the "a man" 's own.The ancient dragon is influenced by the idea of the modern legal system,and the use of force is in conflict with the use of force,in turn to the inner nature of the human being,and has a more profound understanding of the human nature,so that the focus of the martial arts novel is transferred from the "Wu" to the "a man" in the writing,The way of restraint of force and the way of digestion.In his opinion,the extreme obsession and connivance of force will only give rise to dissimilation,so the ancient dragon The attitude towards force is restrained,do not advocate the use of force to solve problems,but like to use wisdom and courage to resolve disputes.The abstinence of force is equivalent to the resolution of violence.It is difficult to see the description of bloody martial arts scenes in Gulong's novels.Instead,he has written literature by force and sanctified violent writing.Thus,to a certain extent,the violence factor of martial artsnovels is dispelled.In addition,Gulong is obviously influenced by the samurai culture.Most of the descriptions of martial arts are "invincible",and they emphasize the unity of things and me,and do not rely too much on sharp weapons,but rely on their own ideas to fight.The victory of the enemy and the weapons in the ancient dragon's novel,though strange,but eventually return to the description of human nature,help the protagonist to win the victory often not the weapon in the hand,but love,forgiveness,trust and other personality forces,this is reflecting the "the law of the Tao",the "I don't have to forget","heavy-path light device" 's Japanese martial arts spirit.The ancient dragon uses the organizational model of the modern citizen's formed organization to build the world of the Jianghu.He has little ink in the Jianghu,and the background of the hero's body is vague.Before the ancient dragon,the martial arts writers and the social power level concept to construct the Wulin Jianghu,but to the ancient dragon.The Wulin River in the Ancient Dragon The lake no longer determines the order of the rank by force,the protagonist in the novel tends to enter the Wulin in an independent way,and face the power level in the Wulin.Although they still participate in the affairs of Wulin,but also with the power to alienate,no longer be the incarnation of the morality or the law,it can be seen that the ancient dragon's martial arts novel is more of the spirit of the sanctity of the martial arts.The historical background of the ancient dragon and the chivalrous novel is almost virtual,so that the characters in the novel are independent,and the fate and the character of the characters are not influenced by history so as to be free to develop.In this way,the writing of the historical background can also focus on the writing of the Jianghu disputes and not the question of Jiangshan.The problem does not involve the traditional hierarchical order of power.The third chapter of the paper mainly combs the breakthrough creation of the image connotation of "chivalrous" in Gulong's martial arts novels from the aspect of the spiritual predicament of modern people,and focuses on the extreme experience of modern people for loneliness and freedom.This shows the mood of the times and the psychological changes of modern people.Martial arts novels write "chivalrous",but the key to the image of "chivalrous" lies in the chivalrous spirit and self-spirit embodied in them.Most of the characters called chivalrous men in Gulong's previous martial arts novels are the tall image of helping the weak and helping the poor and serving the people.Gulong was influenced by modern human rights consciousness and portrayed his chivalrous men as "independent and complete".People,they are no longer perfect personality chivalrous,but with selfishness of the secularization image.The divinity of the chivalrous is dispelled and the human nature is highlighted.Gulong created a unique character image of prodigal son,such as Shen Lang,Li Xunhuan,Lu Xiaofeng,Chu Liuxiang and so on.These chivalrous men have lonely emotions,implying the spiritual difficulties of modern people and the grotesque of life.In addition,the description of extremely sick characters is more reflected in the psychological state of people under the influence of modern emotion.The understanding of chivalrous spirit is also different from that of his predecessor.He broke the tradition of revenge,resolved hatred with forgiveness,and replaced salvation with self-salvation.Gulong absorbs modern consciousness and sets Human self-victory,self-liberation and self-transcendence into the work,attach importance to the desire and instinctive expression of human nature.The fourth chapter mainly analyzes the modern concept of Gulong's martial arts works from the aspects of novel techniques and novel mode.Gulong integrated the western hardcore detective novels and the new primitive reasoning model into the creation of martial arts novels,formed a unique martial arts reasoning model,and created a series of works of "Chu Liuxiang Legend" and "Lu Xiaofeng Legend",which are famous for a time.The key to the development of his novel plot is the conflict of human nature.He also applies the montage technique used in the film to the novel,and constructs the story through the transformation and collage of the plot scene.The language of Gulong's novels is full of poetry and philosophy,and forms its unique style of language.Color,known as the cologne.The fifth chapter mainly analyzes the achievements and limitations brought by Gulong's creative concept of "seeking innovation,change and breakthrough" for his novel creation,as well as his thinking on the modernization of martial arts novels.He endows the martial arts novel with the new connotation of the times and the double value of the aesthetics and philosophy of the martial arts novel.At the same time,Gulong's martial arts novels also have defects and shortcomings,and his excessive pursuit of new changes also makes him fall into the dilemma of repeating himself,such as the serious assimilation of female images.Chivalrous women and magic girls are the two mostcommon female images in his novels.Under the influence of marketization and commercialization,some of his novels also have the element of violence and vulgarity.Simple.Most of his later works are not of high quality,the plot is broken,and there is no end to them.Due to Gulong's own growth and life experience,his martial arts novels are full of arbitrariness.Therefore,the study of the modern concept of Gulong martial arts novels also needs to maintain a cautious and objective attitude.The modernization of martial arts novels is mainly the modernization of spirit,and the exploration of the modernization of martial arts novels will also provide a new way for the creation of martial arts novels in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gu Long, Legal consciousness, urban establishment, nothingnes
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