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Research On The Interaction Between Huizhou Drama Performance And Zongzu In Ming And Qing Dynasties

Posted on:2020-08-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578469904Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,theatrical performances in Huizhou were very active.At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty,the villages in Huizhou generally set up "commune",and sacrifice was called "commune sacrifice".Huizhou's Drama mainly appeared in the social sacrifice,and its development mainly depended on the "social community".In the middle and late Ming Dynasty,Zongzu centered on blood relationship emerged in Huizhou villages,the organization of social households collapsed,the main status of "Lishe" organization was gradually shaken,the lishe festival began to decline,and the Lishe drama also weakened.With the rise of ancestral halls and performing operas,performing operas began to face the clansmen.Although in the Huizhou society in the late Ming Dynasty,performing operas were still performed by the Lishe,the clansmen occupied the dominant position.After the rise of Zongzu Dramas,various Zongzu Dramas in Huizhou society,such as sacrificial dramas,entertaining dramas,punitive dramas,remunerative dramas and welcome games,were active.Under the circumstances,Huizhou Nuo,Huizhou Mulian Drama,Huizhou Drama and other plays are rich in content.Zongzu plays a protective and organizational role in theatrical activities.The main reasons for the prosperity of Zongzu Dramas in the Ming and Qing Dynasties can be summarized as the following two points: First,the needs of the development of Zongzu itself.The clansmen hoped to entertain the gods and bless the clansmen through the play.Protect ecology,cultivate geomancy;Punish the irregular,educate the people;And so forth.This makes the drama in Huizhou Zongzu social development has a good environment.Second,the Zongzu's support to the theatrical performance.Zongzu provides the manpower organization and the financial support for the play;Space guarantee and time arrangement;Choose plays and establish rules.Under the background of the social development of Huizhou Zongzu in the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the drama performance depended on Zongzu,and its prosperity could not develop without the support of the clan society.First,in the process of performing the play to enjoy and carnival,so that the public to release all kinds of bad emotions.Second,to promote the rules of the clan,to achieve the purpose of the unity of Zongzu.Third,because of the dominant Zongzu,the play itself can be inherited and developed.During the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the theatrical performances in Huizhou area and the Zongzu society were interacted with each other.The development of theatrical performances was centered on Zongzu,in which Zongzu played a dominant role.Zongzu was a powerful backer in the development of theatrical performances.At present,some of the theatrical performances that once prevailed in history have ceased to exist.The protection and development measures for the existing theatrical performances can take advantage of the power of the patriarchal Zongzu community.In this way,some precious theatrical performances that have been inherited will last forever.
Keywords/Search Tags:Huizhou Drama, Ming and Qing dynasties, Zongzu, Relationship
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