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Error Analysis Of Russian Beginner Students' Usage Of “le”

Posted on:2020-10-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N B E R E Z O V S K A I A Full Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578460318Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The aspect particle “le” is frequently used in Chinese language,it's very important for foreign students to get the right usage of it,though it's very difficult,and therefore when using “le” they make mistakes very often.There are a lot of different kinds of “le” misusage,Russian students are not an exception,they often misuse “le” as well.This thesis looks at the acquisition of the particle “le” by Russian students from beginners' group at Hainan Normal University from the angle of grammar and pragmatics.The results of the analysis reveals that the acquisition of the particle “le” is difficult for Russian students.In this thesis we made the analysis of the main factors of logical semantics influence.We summed up different kinds of Russian students' misusage of the particle “le”,and made the analysis of them.At the last paragraph we suggest teaching methods,which we worked out according to the results we got from our investigation.We hope they will be helpful for teaching Chinese language.
Keywords/Search Tags:acquisition of“le1”, acquisition of“le2”, errors
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