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On The Suspense In Ge Fei's Avant-garde Novels

Posted on:2020-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z C XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578458951Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The word "avant-garde" originated from the French Revolution and was quoted at the cultural and literary level in the early 19 th century.In the mid-1980 s,writers such as Ma Yuan,Yu Hua,and Ge Fei appeared as the beginning of our avant-garde novels.Since the rise of the avant-garde novel,it has advocated the separation from traditional writing theories,techniques,and thoughts.It believes that literature should not be constrained by politics and economy.The focus of writing is on the expression of self rather than the imitation and reproduction of life.Although after the 1990 s,the avant-garde literature was affected by commercialization and returned to traditional realism,the avant-garde literature's exploration of literary genre and form left a rich and colorful stroke in the Chinese literary world.Ge Fei is undoubtedly an outstanding representative of avant-garde writers.In 1986,Virgo's "Reminiscence of Wuyou" was published.The next year's short story "The Lost Boat" made him recognized by the literary world,followed by "Brown Birds","Green Yellow","The Inlaid Harp" and "The Great Year".The attempts and explorations of literary forms and narrative methods in those novels are refreshing.In his works,space and time,reality and dreams,suspense and story structure are broken up and recombined.This kind of exploration and innovation of pure literature itself still seems to have research value today.In the group of avant-garde writers,the use of vacancies,repetitions,labyrinthical narrative techniques and images like "mirrors" is the most typical among the avant-garde writers,and it can best reflect the characteristics and development of suspense in the avant-garde literature.This is also why Ge Fei was chosen as the research writer of this paper.In Ge Fei's avant-garde novels,suspense as one of the extension concepts of literary works presents a new form of expression different from the past.In this paper,I try to explain how suspense is presented in Ge fei's avant-garde works from the aspects of form,content and internal logic.I try to use the concept of Metasuspense to explain the suspense in Ge Fei's novels,and then explore what are the changes in ge fei's theory of suspense compared with the previous suspense theory,and the impact of these changes on the previous suspense theory.The problem that this article attempts to solve is how suspense is manifested in Ge Fei's avant-garde novels,and how it expands on the literary concept of suspense.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ge Fei, Avant-garde, Suspense, Metasuspense
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