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Research On The Symbiosis Thought In Mohsin Hamid's Novels

Posted on:2020-09-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578457742Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mohsin Hamid,a contemporary novelist with Pakistani and British nationalities,has twice been included in the Booker Prize.Hamid has a strong sense of social responsibility and mission.He pays attention to global problems such as terrorism,refugee crisis,drug problem,Indian-Pakistani conflict,class conflict and so on,exploring the causes of these problems and actively seeking solutions.Hamid believes that human beings can face up to the reality of symbiosis and envision a bright future is the most urgently needed to solve,and literature should shoulder this task.Therefore,Hamid internalizes his own understanding and inquiring about symbiosis into his novel creation,and uses fictional narrative to carry his symbiosis thought.What is Hamid's understanding of symbiosis?This problem can be analyzed from the content and form of his symbiosis writing.Hamid thinks contemporary symbiosis is that because of the urgent needs for surviving and development,people leave where they were born and enter the other with different colors,races,religions,languages,cultures,classes,etc,With the help of science and technology.Then people start to seek new surviving and development again.It is accompanied by the weakening of the segregation and isolation of skin color,race,language,religion,culture and so on.At the same time,each party in the symbiosis is equal,and has its own irreplaceable value,Interconnection between Individuals,and no one can escape from the influence of symbiosis.And the symbiosis of a wider scope and deeper degree is the inevitable trend in the future.Why does Hamid think about symbiosis?Because there are too many contradictions,conflicts and struggles in reality.The essence of the relationship behind these phenomena is the opposition between individuals and groups.Under the domination of economic fundamentalism and abnormal competition concept,individuals are lost in their hearts and lack of self,and repelling each other becomes atmosphere in the community,and due to the absence of a fair,humanitarian and harmonious system,the relations between some countries and regions are in chaos,and thus the antagonistic relations are formed.The result of opposition orientation is that the law of the jungle prevails,bringing human society into a terrible abyss.Based on this,Hamid constantly experiments and explores the specific paths which are how should humanity face up to the symbiotic reality and what kind of future should humanity envisage.To face up to the reality of symbiosis,we should be able to realize that human beings are already in the era of pluralistic symbiosis,and have a corresponding understanding of the connotation,characteristics and trends of symbiosis;be able to critically recognize opposition and rationally handle opposition relations;be able to recognize the impurity and multifaceted complexities of individual identity,as well as the commonality between individuals,having a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between individuals and groups in a multi-symbiotic state.And a bright future should be:individual people return to themselves and keep their own heart;the conmmunity shows an open face;the state institutionalizes the concept of mutual assistance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hamid's novel, symbiosis thought, opposition, return to self, to open up, mutual aid system
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