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Research On Northeast Industrial Novels In The New Century

Posted on:2020-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Q CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578450749Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a region with a long history of industrial development,the northeast has played a pivotal role in the establishment and growth of the Republic.As early as in the 1950 s,writers such as Kuiming and Xiao Jun gave a depiction and praise to the fiery construction of Northeastern industry and the enthusiasm of the industrial workers in Northeast China,even though these works were presented to meet the requirements of specific ideologies.The emergence of some conceptualizations,but the emergence of the "industrial novels" creation boom in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China undoubtedly reflected the importance of the country's Northeastern industry at the time,and laid a foundation for the writing of Northeastern industrial novels in the future.After the time has entered the new century,economic globalization and the implementation of China's market economy have made "knowledge","information" and "technology" increasingly become the core fulcrum for China to seek economic development and prosperity.The original "extensive" industrial development model was urgently needed to be eliminated due to its incompatibility with the scientific industrial development concept of the new century.As a result,the Northeast industry had to find a new path in the difficult situation.Fortunately,in the context of the embarrassment of the Northeast industry,the creation of Northeastern industrial novels has not been silenced.Instead,a number of industrial novels with high practical significance and humanistic care have emerged.In the new century,the industrial novels of Northeast China reflect the problems in the process of industrial development in Northeast China since the new century and the living conditions and new choices of the workers of the Northeast in the new era as the focus of attention to reflect the reality and future development of the Northeast industry.path.In the new century,Northeastern industrial novels,as a soft power to promote the revitalization of Northeastern industry,should not be underestimated in its own cultural value and social significance.It is precisely because of the importance of the Northeastern industrial novels in the new century that cannot be ignored.To help them become more perfect as a starting point for the study of such novels,the specific research content is as follows:The first part of the thesis focuses on the context of the Northeastern industrialnovels in the new century.This part analyzes the background of the Northeastern industrial novels in the new century from the three aspects of economic status,political ecology and ideological and cultural atmosphere in the Northeast region.To reveal the influence of the specific social environment in Northeast China on the unique appearance of Northeastern industrial novels in the new century since the new century.This paper argues that the economic development of Northeast China in the new century relies on the industry to seek the past "glory" in the "downward trend".During this period,the loss of industrial advantage of the "resource-consumption" in Northeast China caused the sharp decline of the Northeast economy,which is an indisputable fact.Exploring the strategy of revitalizing in adversity has become the common theme of the creation of Northeastern industrial novelists in the new century.At the same time,the new industrial development model and the re-environmental spirit of the workers in the Northeast in the new century,supported by the preferential policies of the state,have become the object of the Yangge of Northeastern Industrial Novels in the new century.As far as the cultural background of Northeastern industrial novel creation in the new century is concerned,its long history of industrial writing history and the long-standing weak business and conservative cultural psychological structure of the region also affect the presentation of Northeastern industrial novels in the new century.Style.The second part of the thesis analyzes the identity and literary concept of the Northeastern industrial novel writers in the new century.First of all,in terms of the main identity of the Northeastern industrial novel writers in the new century,the creators of the Northeastern industrial novels in the new century are mostly "worker status".Witnesses and witnesses of "from prosperity to decline" have their own understanding of the Northeast industry and their desire to revitalize more strongly than similar writers in the new century.Therefore,this unique identity of Northeastern industrial writers in the new century has made them Taking the industrial problems and contradictions in the Northeast as the creative center.Secondly,the New Century Northeast industrial novel writers generally hold the textual meaning,experiential “dialogue” literary concept,which prompts the Northeastern industrial novel writers in the new century to pay attention to the industrial landscape and workers themselves closely related to the Northeast workers.Survival looks to stimulate the reader's deep experience of empathy.Finally,the creative perspective of the Northeastern industrial novel writers in the new century is "the spokesperson of the workers' brothers." This in-depth civilian writing position has prompted the Northeastern industrial novels in the new century to reflect the true and rich living scenes of the workers of the new century in a panoramic way.The third part of the thesis takes the theme type of Northeastern industrial novels in the new century as the research object.This paper thinks that under the dual influence of the unique context of Northeastern industry and the identity of writers in the new century,the theme of Northeastern industrial novels in the new century forms two types: criticism and yangko.On the one hand,the northeast industrial novels of the new century have deeply examined the advantages and disadvantages of "hierarchical system" and "tool rationality",which affirmed the important role of industrial rationality in promoting the development of Northeastern industry,and at the same time deeply reflected on the process of industrial modernization.Some of the drawbacks.On the other hand,the Northeastern industrial novels of the new century also praised the northeast industrial spirit passed down from generation to generation.The writers explored the democratic management concepts contained in the "Angang Steel Constitution" and the self-consciousness in the "Daqing Spirit" to shape the Northeastern industry in the new century.The soul has important value.The fourth part of the thesis comprehensively discusses the characters in the Northeastern industrial novels in the new century.This part takes the workers,engineers,leaders and women in the Northeastern industrial novels as the research object,and describes the characteristics and formation of each type of characters.The reason behind this character.First,the image of the workers in the Northeastern industrial novels of the new century broke the single face of the previous industrial novels and showed a certain degree of richness,that is,exploring the image of pioneering,persistent,hedonic,and defeated workers.Second,the value of the “knowledge productivity” of engineers in the Northeastern industrial novels in the new century is prominent,which is closely related to the increase in the demand for talents with high-level cultural structure in the new century.Third,the "double face" of the leaders of Northeastern industrial novels in the new century reflects the expectations of leaders in the social transformation of Northeast China in the new century and the individual choices in the process of valuereconstruction.Fourth,the "bisexual community" and "sexual capitalization" of female images in the Northeast industrial novels of the new century reflect the change of self-awareness of female workers in Northeast China during this period.The fifth and sixth parts of the thesis mainly discuss the aesthetic art style and its value significance of Northeastern industrial novels in the new century.In the new century,the industrial novels of Northeast China present a certain regional cultural characteristics in the aesthetic art,and compared with the creation of the early industrial novels,the narrative skills of the Northeastern industrial novels in the new century are also more abundant.The profound,realistic and aesthetic perfection of the theme of Northeastern industrial novels in the new century has made it an outstanding value in promoting the development of Northeastern industry and the prosperity of industrial literature in Northeast China.However,it is more conceptualized in terms of policy and catering to commercialization.The emergence of the plot is also the future of the Northeastern industrial novel creation in the new century should be avoided.
Keywords/Search Tags:New Century, Northeast Industrial Novels, Industrial Literature
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