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Wei-Jin Tour And Art Spiritul Research

Posted on:2020-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330575997865Subject:Art theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wei-jin dynasty is a critical period for the transition of ancient Chinese thoughts expressed by the form of art.Aesthetic beauty enjoys a dominant status in the period.Artists at the time endow landscape with aesthetic meaning and exercise the principle of “enjoying the sceneries without physically travelling.The value on aesthetic beauty derive from the thought in “A Happy Excursion” written by Zhuangzi,an ancient Chinese philosopher.If we interpret the thought from the perspective of Taoism,it pursues a sort of spiritul freedom.Artist at Wei-jin period continue Zhuang's thought by the form of travelling and integate their inner emotion into their art works.The thought includes unique aesthetic value and reshape ancient Chinese aesthetic thought.Zhuang's philosophical theory of travelling helps to build a Utopia for Wei-jin people and provides a haven for the souls.They express their necessary existence value.“Travelling is an expression of“way”,“way” cannot be demonstrated by specific content.Therefore,“ Travelling” is more like a kind of spiritual state at the period.The object of the “ Travelling” is universal.“Way” is based on the regular running of the nature to achieve harmony between human and nature and solve the main problem between human and society.Wei-jin people experience the beauty of the landscape by “travelling” which would relieve their inner painfulness and as well as lift their spirit up to a higher level.“Travelling” is not only a journey to nurture your mind,but also a necessary process of experiencing “way”.Therefore,Aesthetic experience has metaphysical meaning.Wei-jin people give a new version of “Travelling”.“Travelling” is no longer a word about hermit and even not about physical activity.Both the people with high social status and the people who lead a common life can “travel”.Absorbing the theory of “travelling”,the art works in Wei-jin period emphasize the interest of landscape.By integrating “Travelling” into “Way” and expressing the thought by art works,Wei-jin artists change their understanding of “Travelling” into calligraphy,painting,poetry,music.When they are creating,they keep their heart clean.Their works carry the state of “Way” and profoundly influence the aesthetic taste of future generation.Under the influence of Zhuang's “Travelling” theory,Wei-jin artists fully admit the meaning of the existence of life,lay emphasis on the personal value,break Confucian thought system,perfectly combine humanity and nature and achieve spiritual transcendence.Wei-jin is a time of disorder with frequent wars,political change,and desperate lives,but is also a time of extremely freedom in spirit.With Zhuang's theory,the emotions of Wei-jin people are released,the spirit of “Travelling” is spread.All kinds of chains from reality suddenly vanish when they are in face of the natural landscape,only absolute spiritual freedom being left.“Travelling” at the time of Wei-Jin might not only mean “tavelling” in nature,but also “travelling” in mind;“Way” at the age was the “Way” of art and also a “ way” of life.They put their whole body and mind into nature.Experiencing “Way” by “Travelling” becomes an aesthetic experience,which chontributes to the unique aesthetic value in Wei-jin dynasty,in this way,“Beauty” is granted with new meaning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wei-jin, Tour and Art, Spiritul
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