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The Vocabulary Reorganize And Research Of Xinian In Tsinghua Bamboo Slips

Posted on:2020-07-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R J ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330575997191Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tsinghua bamboo slips(II)is part of the Bamboo Slips of the Warring States Period collected byTsinghua University in 2008 and was published in December 2011.There is only one article called Xinianin the book.It is a complete historical work.There are 138 pieces of bamboo slips,which are divided into23 chapters.It records the history from the early Zhou Dynasty to the early Warring States Period.Based onthe research of the predecessors,this paper systematically collates and deeply analyses the vocabulary inXinian by using quantitative and qualitative research methods,in order to reveal the language features of thePre-Qin Dynastyand benefit the study of Chinese vocabulary history.The full text is divided into five parts.The "Introduction" mainly introduces the basic content of the Xinian,briefly describes its research invarious aspects,and highlights the research status related to the vocabulary of Xinina.Then the researchmethods and significance of this paper are expounded.Developed statistical standards for words.Finally,some explanations before the research were done.The second and third chapters are the main part of the thesis.We have made a comprehensive surveyof all the vocabulary in Xinian of Tsinghua bamboo slips.Firstly,according to the principle of combiningfunction and meaning,the whole vocabulary of Xinian is divided into twelve categories: nouns,verbs,adjectives,numerals and partitive,pronouns,adverbs,prepositions,conjunctions,auxiliary words,modalparticles and homonym.Then,from the perspective of meaning,it makes a detailed re-classification of eachkind of words,and their practical significance and usage in Xinian are discussed in depth,and theirgrammatical functions and characteristics are summarized.The fourth part is divided into three sections.The first section mainly analyzes the multiple glyphs ofa word.The second section lists the phenomena in which a word has multiple parts of speech.And the thirdsection summarizes the different meanings of a word in different contexts.The "Conclusion" section summarizes the characteristics of the vocabulary in Xinian.Themonosyllabic words in Xinian account for 85% of the total,and are in an absolute dominant position.Verbsand nouns are the main body of their vocabulary system,but the development of word classes has beenbasically perfected.The development of polysyllabic words is still very inadequate.The vocabulary features of Xinian accord with the lexical features of pre-Qin Chinese and have its own style.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tsinghua Bamboo Slips, Xinian, vocabulary
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