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On The Explanation Mode Of Zuozhuan's Hegemonic Narration

Posted on:2020-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D Y HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330575978378Subject:History of the History and Historical Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hegemonic Narration is one of the most important and wonderful contents in Zuozhuan.Since ancient times,scholars have a lot of criticisms about the hegemony record of Zuozhuan.One is that Zuozhuan recorded a lot of war for hegemony,the other is that Zuozhuan regards success or failure as the ultimate criterion of judging right and wrong.However,this paper argues that the narrative of hegemony in Zuozhuan is not as bad as the predecessors said,on the contrary,the author always tries to embedding the development of hegemony in a ethical explanation mode.The explanation mode of the hegemonic narrative in Zuozhuan consists of three elements: Rite,People and Heaven."Rite" occupies the core position among them.In writing,the author used various strategies synthetically to construct a universal law in his own hegemony world,that is "The man who respects the rite wins,the man who violates the rite loses".Besides "Rite","People" is the second most important element.In the hegemonic narrative of ZuoZhuan,the explanation of "people" has a degree of independence,but it is also regarded as a supplement of "Rite" by the author.When "Rite" can give a full explanation,"People" is often not highlighted,however,when the explanatory effect of "Rite" declines,the discussion of "People" will increase relatively,and the content will be more specific.As a auxiliary force throughout the hegemonic narrative in Zuozhuan,on the one hand,"Heaven" can find a supreme basis for the behavior of revering rite and valuing people,on the other hand,it can make up for the shortcomings of the explanatory effects of "Rite" and "People",to explain why some monarchs can still win when they violate the behavior of revering rite and valuing people.Based on the background analysis of ZuoZhuan,the reason of the existence of the explanation mode of hegemonic Narration is that the author has a keen desire forharmonious and it wants to rebuild the moral system of society at that time.Moreover,explanation mode itself is a comprehensive reflection of the spirit of "seeking truth" and "utilizing" in Chinese historiography tradition.It reflects the development of historians' subjective consciousness,which has a significance in the history of Chinese historiography.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zuozhuan, Hegemonic Narration, Explanation Mode
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