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The Exploration And Fusion Of Cy Twombly's Painting Language

Posted on:2020-12-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X FengFull Text:PDF
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Known as "the most influential American abstract master in the second half of the 20 th century",Cy Twombly combines abstract expressionism,minimalism and pop art in his artistic creation,and roams among different countries and cultures to form a unique artistic style and establish a distinctly personalized language system.It is not complete to simply place the artist in the artistic wave of the 20 th century.He breaks away from the basic cultural dilemma and theme of historic era and keeps updating art forms until the end of his life in a creative way.Cy Twombly injected new space for the development of abstract art with the "aesthetic alienation",broke the "completeness" requirement of traditional painting standards,and brought new aesthetic experience for complicated modern art with scrawled lines in "defiance" and "compliance",and stimulated the possibility of artistic perception of various expressions.At present,few people in the domestic academic circles have in-depth research and relatively comprehensive introduction on the exploration of the painting language.In particular,there is no specialized exposition on the combing of the context of arts and the formation of the points on his artistic thinking,so there is still a large space for the study of this Cy Twombly.Based on the transformation of “painting language form ",this paper first explores the transformation of his painting language in several stages and the possibility of aesthetic experience in his creation.Secondly,the artist's work "Achilles Mourning the Death of Patroclus" was taken as a case for in-depth analysis and study,so as to better to grasp the comprehensive application of multiple painting languages Of artists in pictures.The last part is the enlightenment and reference significance brought by the unique painting language of Cy Twombly to the author's artistic creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cy Twombly, Painting language, ?Achilles Mourning the Death Of Patroclus?
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