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The Discussion Of The Novel By Prairie Writer-Lu Yuan

Posted on:2020-11-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330575488414Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Prairie Literature" is playing a more and more unique and shining light in both Inner Mongolia and Chinese literary world.Several generations of writers have worked together to create a large number of outstanding works which full of rich "Milk wine flavor".Lu Yuan,as a representative writer of the “Prairie Literature” also contributed his own strength to the development of this new area.Lu Yuan,a Han writer who grew up in Inner Mongolia for a long time,showed us the true and unique grassland scene with his unique life experience and creative concept.It depicts a variety of grassland people with multiple faces and commonalities.His works are rich in connotation and profound.His artistic expressions are unique and innovative.He is an excellent writer who worthy of our in-depth exploration and research.However,such a writer has never been able to get enough attention from the literary world.This paper was divided into four chapters and described the creation of Lu Yuan's novels from four parts.It interpreted and discussed the writer's creative concept,artistic technique,writing subject and deep meaning.It showed the writer's mixed feelings but the roots in the grassland,revealed the writer's flexibility and constantly strives to find the soul of the grassland and also passed the writer's philosophical thinking about life and care for human nature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lu Yuan, Prairie Literature, Modernist approach, Human care
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