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Needs Analysis Of International Students' Communicative Culture Learning-

Posted on:2020-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W N XingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330575475950Subject:Chinese international education
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Language is the carrier of culture and a part of culture,so the importance of culture is self-evident for a language.The study of culture in Chinese as a foreign language is endless.The study of culture is an important aspect in related research,which has attracted the attention of many scholars and has carried out research from different angles,which has promoted the progress of cultural studies in Chinese as a foreign language."Demand analysis" has also been introduced into the field of cultural studies,and cultural teaching plays a pivotal role in second language acquisition.In the 1980s,after Mr.Zhang Zhanyi proposed the definition of communicative culture,he attracted the scholars' attention to the communicative culture and gave a more precise and clear orientation to the culture of the second language teaching process.Communicative culture refers to the culture that directly affects the accurate transmission of information in the process of intercultural communication.For Chinese learners,to achieve a high level of Chinese and to speak authentic Chinese,it is necessary to master the communicative culture in Chinese.Therefore,the teaching of communicative culture is self-evident in cultural teaching.Most of the research on communicative culture is described from the perspective of communicative cultural projects in cultural teaching and teaching materials.As a learning subject,learners should receive more attention.From the perspective of international students,it is necessary to pay attention to the needs of learners.This paper adopts the method of questionnaire survey to study the understanding and demand of foreign students on communicative culture.Firstly,it defines the concept of"communication culture",reviews and studies the research related to communicative culture and needs,and designs the questionnaire needed for research.The investigation was carried out in the Chinese Language Training Center of Beijing Foreign Studies University to sort out and analyze the data obtained through the investigation,and to summarize the understanding,cognition and needs of foreign students to the communicative culture.This paper is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is the introduction,which expounds the source of research,the intension and significance of the study,the definiens and theoretical basis of the"communicative culture",the literature review and research methods,and determines the selection of the communicative cultural project in this paper,which lays the foundation for the later investigation.The second chapter is the survey of communicative culture learning needs,expounds the questionnaire design process and analysis method of this survey,draws on the demand analysis theory,refers to the demand analysis model of Hutchinson and Waters(1987)and Cheng Xiaotang(2002)on the content of demand analysis design.Specifically,the"Research Questionnaire for Foreign Students' Communicative Culture Learning Needs"was designed,and the international students in Chinese Language Training Center of Beijing Foreign Studies University were selected for questionnaire survey.The contents of the questionnaire are described in three parts:one is the student situation survey,the second is the survey of the communicative culture,and the third is the survey of the communicative culture needs.The implementation of the questionnaire and the method of data analysis were also introduced.The third chapter analyzes and discusses the results of the questionnaire,reveals the reasons for the subjects to learn Chinese,the way to understand culture,the preferred way of learning culture,and analyzes the degree of understanding of the communicative culture of the subjects,and from different levels of Chinese.The angle of analysis.From the descriptive analysis and the difference analysis,the demand situation is discussed,and the differences in gender,Chinese proficiency and Chinese learning time are analyzed.The fourth chapter is the conclusion of the study.It summarizes the analysis of the results of the questionnaire in the previous chapter,and compares the degree of understanding and the degree of demand of the communicative culture of the subjects at all levels from the perspective of Chinese level.The survey found that the overall knowledge of the communicative culture of the foreign students in the Chinese Language Training Center is not very high,and the cognitive level of different communicative cultural projects is different;the international students have a high degree of demand for communicative culture.Through the difference analysis,it is found that the students of different genders There is no difference in the needs of communicative culture.There is a difference in the demand for communicative culture among foreign students with different levels of Chinese and different Chinese learning time.The fifth chapter is the conclusion,summarizing the study and pointing out the limitations of this study.
Keywords/Search Tags:International Students, Communicative Culture, Needs Analysis
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