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A Report On The Translation Of Science And Technology Governance And Ethics:A Global Perspective From Europe,India,and China(Chapter 1,Chapter 2)

Posted on:2020-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LuoFull Text:PDF
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This is a translation report.The source texts are Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 from Science and Technology Governance and Ethics : A Global Perspective from Europe,India,and China.Chapter 1 serves to define ethics.Chapter 2 portraits the current scenario of ethical debates in Europe,India and China so readers could sensitize the necessity,difference and complexity of ethics in science and technology policy.Relevance Theory is the theoretical foundation of this report.Relevance Theory holds that the key to human communication lies in creating an expectation of optimal relevance—the communicatee expects his understanding of the source information to achieve sufficient effects at the lowest processing cost.As a special form of communication,translation is believed to have its success counted on whether the translation contains enough relevance that assures readers of paying the lowest processing cost.The translator applies explicature translation of Relevance Theory to infer and translate confusing information in hope of clarifying the source text,thereby assuring readers of a smooth and trustworthy reading experience.In view of the large number of long and complex sentences,the translator resorts to certain translation methods,such as sequencing and inversion.The translator is warned of learning more theoretical knowledge and skills for future improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Relevance Theory, explicature translation, sequencing, inversion
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