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Research On The Construction Of Female Image In "Dian Shizhai Pictorial"

Posted on:2020-08-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z J ZhaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330572974695Subject:Culture and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to the "Dianshizhai Pictorial",the female image category is clear and the personality image is clear.It fully reflects the attitude of treating women in the late Qing Dynasty as an open and conservative attitude,indicating that women in the late Qing Dynasty have already awakened and began to slowly Get rid of the shackles of feudal ethics.Studying the female image constructed by "Dianshizhai Pictorial" can confirm that the late Qing society is in the period of the intersection and fierce collision between traditional ritual and new thoughts,and it can also show the gradual enhancement of women's self-consciousness and strive for the self-liberation of women.Fight.This paper focuses on the way of constructing female images in Dian Shizhai Pictorial,the characteristics of constructing female images,the background of constructing female images,and how the female images constructed to witness the changes of the late Qing society,etc.,combined with Pannov Ski's "three-level theory" comprehensively and profoundly analyzes and interprets the specific legends of female images in the pictorial,studies how painters construct their female images,and observes their attitudes and attitudes towards women from their paintings.Their concept actually represents the way the society treated women in the late Qing Dynasty.To a certain extent,it led the cultural thoughts of the late Qing society,and effectively promoted social progress and women's enlightenment.The main body of this paper is divided into four parts.The first chapter mainly focuses on the way of constructing female images in "Dianshizhai Pictorial".It is found that the pictorials are mainly composed of characters(including men and women),scene reappearance,female movements and expressions,Female clothing and accessories,women carry items, construct the female image;the next two or three chapters analyze the Chinese female image and the western female image constructed by the "Dian Shizhai Pictorial",due to the female in the pictorial There are many types of images.Only some of the female images that best reflect the integration of traditional ethics and Western new thoughts,such as factory women workers,virgin women,Western intellectual women,etc.,the fourth chapter is mainly from the "Western Learning East" The social background,the cultural background of tradition and modern intertwined,the turbulent political environment,and the limitations of the literati painter's own knowledge specifically analyze the background of the construction of the female image in "Dian Shizhai Pictorial".Through research,it is concluded that the "Dianshizhai Pictorial" restores the controversial living conditions of women in the late Qing Dynasty.On the one hand,the self-consciousness of women in the late Qing Dynasty has been awakened,and the status of women has gradually improved.On the other hand,women are still deeply influenced by traditional ethics,women's social identity is difficult to be recognized,and women's images are full of tradition and modernity.The contradiction further confirms that the late Qing society was in the period of the intersection and fierce collision between traditional rituals and new thoughts.The contradictory female image was constructed by the painter.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Dian Shizhai Pictorial", female image, image research
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