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On The Duality Of Toru Takemitsu's Music Creation And Style

Posted on:2020-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330572479359Subject:School of music and dance
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
T?ru Takemitsu is one of the most influential composers of the 20 th century,His works not only limited to create the traditional art of western music and the traditional Japanese music techniques,but also made trans cendence on the basis of the integration of this two music techniques.The discussion of the east-west characteristics of his music shows overall respect for music resources that rather than an exclusive cultural concern.He has a free desire from creative constraints,which expresses the requirements of his artistic conscience and the stimulation of his intellectual imagination.He always follow his inner voice and believe himsalf.In the process of listening,he through into itself and then coexist in the sound.The reflection of himself makes T?ru Takemitsu obtain greater enlightenment,makes his music have more universal attraction and influence.This paper introduces the life experience,creative stage and the development of music in Japan of T?ru Takemitsu.This paper intraduces the representative works of three bands music in different periods The?Requiem for String Orchestra? in the early stage,?NOVEMIBER STEPS I for biwa,shakuhachi&orch? in the middle stage and?A Flock Descends into the Pentagonal Garden?in the late stage.vIn requiem for strings,the western music composing method is mainly adopted,which reflects the western music composing techniques of Toru Takemitsu in the early stage of creation.It also analyzes the emotional catharsis caused by the weak timbre change and frequent rhythm conversion in this work.In?NOVEMIBER STEPS I for biwa,shakuhachi&orch?,the composer use the pipa and shakuhachi in traditional Japanese Musical Instruments.As a solo instrument to make those play in freestyle.In the form of a dialogue with the western Musical Instruments of music communication,and through the special position of the instrument and conventional instrument unconventional playing technique,transformation of rhythm,tone change caused by space,time and stereo change in the same time.It perfectly reflects the concept of "space" in Japanese traditional culture.In?A Flock Descends into the Pentagonal Garden?,the composer outlines the pentagonal garden in the dream and the birds in the sky through different Musical Instruments.In this work,those various techniques of western music are applied,and the traditional mode of tonal thinking is added.His creation method is not confined to the pure western music techniques and it's rules.According to the needs of his works,he uses the new music creation logic to create new elements,such as tonality and function,It reflects the traditional Japanese culture of "courtyard" culture.Finally,it analyzes the traditional Japanese music culture contained in this works,it introduce the Japanese bunraku used in the three representative works of different periods,briefly describes the inspiration source of other aesthetic cultures on the music creation in the later period of T?r Takemitsu's works.It reflects the fusion and transcendence of traditional Japanese culture with western music culture behind the music creation of Toru Takemitsu.
Keywords/Search Tags:Toru Takemitsu, ?Requiem for String Orchestra?, ?NOVEMIBER STEPS I for biwa,shakuhachi&orch?, ?A Flock Descends into the Pentagonal Garden?, Creative style, Duality
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