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Reconciling With Inner Child,Reconstructing Life Dimension

Posted on:2020-12-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z L YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330572476539Subject:English Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the publication of the new book God Help the Child,Toni Morrison,the African-American woman writer,has drawn close attention from scholars at home and abroad,and has received high prestige from various news media.The era depicted in the book God Help the Child is set in modern times,but racism and colorism still exist in the society,even bringing about problems such as family breakdown and school bullying.Sexual violence is directed at children who have no ability to resist.After experiencing various traumas,the protagonists in the novel develop the negative energy in their heart and it is so difficult for them to express.Thus,the injured inner child comes into being.Based on the trauma theory and the inner child therapy,this thesis deeply analyzes the external behaviors and internal objects of the novel protagonists.Through perceiving the feelings of inner child,the thesis discusses inner child‘s emotional experience of being loved,accepted and affirmed,and finally the protagonists reconcile with inner child and reconstruct the dimension of life.Based on the research and analysis of traumatic experiences,based on the research and analysis of traumatic experiences,trauma theory and inner child therapy focus on developing scientific and appropriate trauma therapy.Traumatic symptom is defined as post-traumatic stress disorder in trauma theory.Hyperarousal,intrusion,constriction are typical symptoms.Establishing the sense of safety,remembrance and mourning,and reconnection are the corresponding treatments.Inner child therapy pays attention to the emotional and behavioral manifestations of the traumatic subjects.The traumatic subjects will produce a variety of emotional manifestations such as fear,scare,shame,the sense of being abandoned,emptiness and sense of loss.They will also appear external behaviors such as escaping,losing temper,attacking others,difficult breathing and numbness.Only by satisfying the inner child‘s psychological desire,dissolving the negative energy fixed at the traumatic point,and giving them unconditional acceptance and satisfaction,can they change the internal object image of internalization and promote their inner growth.Based on trauma theory and inner child therapy,this thesis deeply analyzes the childhood traumatic experiences of the main characters,their behavioral and emotional performance,and their trauma recovery process.In the process of recovery,they established the sense of security by gaining the support and empathy from the allied.Then,through restoring the truth of the traumatic event,reconnecting with others,perceiving the inner child‘s feelings,satisfying the desire of being loved,and transforming the negative energy into positive energy,they enhanced self-esteem and self-worth.Finally,they will reconcile with the inner child by adults‘ strength,and reconstruct the life dimension with courage and confidence to face new self and new life.
Keywords/Search Tags:Toni Morrison, God Help the Child, trauma theory, inner child, life dimension
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