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The Nanyang Consort Clan Family Research Of Eastern Han Dynasty

Posted on:2018-04-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Z ShengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330515466582Subject:History of Ancient China
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Eastern Han Dynasty was founded by magnates,in the process,not only Hebei,Yinchuan,Guanlong magnates,but also Nanyang magnates made a great contribution to set up foundation of Eastern Han Dynasty.Because of the friendship of fellow countrymen and returning to the hearts of peach,Emperor Guangwu always used Nanyang people after he unified all national,so it produced a spacial phenomenon of that many close ministers in Henan of Emperor city and many close relatives in Nan yang of Emperor township,among them the close relatives involved the Nanyang relatives of king or an emperor on the side of his mother or wife.There were five queens were from Nanyang in the all queens of Eastern Han,they depended on the passion of emperor to make their family to ascend the political stage,so it constituted a big group of Nanyang Consort clan.In the group the more notable three Consort clan are Xinye Yinshi,Xinye Dengshi,Wandi Heshi.Xinye Yinshi existed in the early Eastern Han Dynasty,because they followed Emperor Guangwu very early,after Liuxiu came to the throne,so they were not only Consort clan,but meritorious statesman.Because the Dual identity,it made Yinshi occupied an important position in the political situation of Jianwu,but Yinshi in the early political situation of Emperor Min went to low ebb quickly.It made Nanyang Yinshi had a tend of renaissance in Emperor He period,but Queen Yin was abandoned soon,it proved that this renaissance was a flash in the pan.In the all,Yinshi had played a good role in the early Eastern Han Dynasty.Xinye Dengshi in the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty,after Emperor He died,Queen mother Deng commanded the rule,Dengshi Consort clan assisted in government,it made the politic of Eastern Han Dynasty had a further development.In the meanwhile of Dengshi commanded the rule,she was faced with domestic strife and foreign aggression,she established a powerful central government and save the crisis of rule to consolidate political situation of Eastern Han Dynasty.Although Dengshi didn't have a ambition as Lvshi,but she didn't give the rule to Emperor An,it made minister and Emperor An very antipathetic.After the queen mother Deng died,Emperor An settled accounts with Dengshi afterwards Emperor An controlled the rule and give them a strike seriously.Since then,Dengshi recovered in Emperor Shun,but it couldn't return to the period of Queen mother Deng.Although The Queen mother Deng controlled the rule and encouraged the Consort clan power,but she created historical merit which was worth praising,as the the Book of the Later Han said,the world restored pace and every year had a good harvest,it proved that on the premise of Consort clan controlling the rule and it safeguard the stabilization of Eastern Han Dynasty political situation.Wandi Consort clan Heshi in the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty,they was different from the above of Yinshi and Dengshi,they didn't had the background of meritorious statesman,but they enter into politic.After Emperor Ling died,Heshi commanded the inside and outside royal.Heshi was arising which led to the enmity of eunuch group,so eunuch group and Hejin battled for right to fight closely,consequently,they fought like Kilkenny cats.Heshi as a Consort clan family,because they battled for power and made disaster,it led to a bad influence and made the Eastern Han Dynasty go to the deep.In conclusion,three family of Nanyang Consort clan which existed in the all Eastern Han Dynasty,it reflected the characteristic of Consort clan controlling the rule was that bud--development--decline.Because the three Consort clan were in different age surroundings and different political condition,their activity played a different role.Yinshi followed Emperor and helped prince which was assistant;Dengshi saved the crisis which was resignation;Heshi controlled the court and led to war,which disordered politic.Their difference was decided by their cognition and deed,beside which related to the vicissitude of kingship and tend of ragtime.
Keywords/Search Tags:Eastern Han Dynasty, Nanyang, Consort clan family, queen mother, authoritarian
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