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The Construction Of Interpersonal Meaning In The Subtitle Translation Of The Sound Of Music:A Multimodal Discourse Analysis

Posted on:2020-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y TianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330596465139Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,with the increasingly close exchanges between China and foreign countries,the role of subtitle translation has become increasingly prominent,and the study of subtitle translation has also been greatly developed.Film is a typical multimodal discourse,which combines language,image,sound and other symbols.Therefore,the traditional study of subtitle translation from the perspective of language alone cannot meet people's needs.In the 1990 s,multimodal discourse analysis(MDA for short)emerged.Many scholars began to analyze subtitle translation from the levels of culture,context,content and expression,which promoted the study of film subtitle translation.Taking the classic film,The Sound of Music as an example,this thesis analyzes the interpersonal meaning construction of subtitle translation from the multimodal perspective.Based on the discussion of interpersonal meaning construction in linguistic theories,this thesis explores interpersonal meaning in the film from the aspects of verbal language and visual image,and specifically analyses interpersonal meaning construction in the subtitle translation from four perspectives,including speech act(image act),social distance,modality and attitude.In addition,this thesis also makes inter-semiotic analysis of subtitle translation and puts forward suggestions for revision of several translations.This thesis comes to the conclusion that when we are translating film subtitles,only focusing on language is not enough,the inter-semiotic interaction should also be taken into consideration to convey the interpersonal meaning,so as to help the audience better appreciate the film.Systemic functional grammar,visual grammar and other linguistic theories can be applied to analyze the construction of interpersonal meaning in film discourse,so as to better guide the subtitle translation,especially the reproduction of interpersonal meaning in it.
Keywords/Search Tags:multimodal discourse analysis, interpersonal meaning, subtitle translation, The Sound of Music
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