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A Study Of Lithuaniaa Language Education Policy From The Perspective Of Identity

Posted on:2020-08-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575972739Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Located on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea,the Republic of Lithuania is a hub connecting Western Europe and Russia.Its ethnic diversity and linguistic complexity grew out of its unique geographical location and turbulent social environment and the national language education policy is of strong historic and political character.For centuries,Poland,Germany and Soviet Unions strengthened their aggression and expansion through language colonization,which resulted in the suppression and decline of Lithuanian in public spheres.In 1990,Lithuania regained independence and its new-created language education policy played symbolic and practical role in nation-building.Further analysis and evaluation will not only strengthen the regional research in Baltic countries,but also provide new ideas for language planning in multiethnic and multilingual countriesThis paper summarizes the development of Lithuanian language education policy since independence from three aspects of national language policy,minority language education policy and foreign language education policy based on Lithuanian laws,official research data and related academic literature.From the perspective of identity,the study explores the dialectical relationship between language policy and identity construction through the analysis of three language education policies and their related identities,so as to propose creative suggestions on balancing multiple identities.The paper consists of the following four parts:The introduction part gives an overview of the research background,including brief introduction of Lithuania and its language education policy,literature review as well as purposes and significance of this study.The second chapter introduces theoretical framework,focusing on analyzing the relationship between language policy and state,ethnic and supranational identity construction,explaining the contradiction and unity among multiple identities,and trying to design a basic framework for Lithuanian language education policy.Chapter three to five,as the main part,analyzes three aspects of Lithuanian language education policy respectively,including state language promotion and state identity construction,minority language education policy and ethnic identity development,foreign language education policy and super-national identity transfer.In the diachronic aspect,each chapter outlines current language planning and identity transition in one aspect.The conclusion part applies "multicultural identity" model in explaining Lithuanian language education policy and clarifies its significance in developing Lithuanian collective identity.In a word,this study found that language policy,as an important cultural and ethnic policy.played an irreplaceable role in maintaining social stability and cultural development in multiethnic countries.In the context of globalization,multiethnic countries should make scientific and systematic language policy and adopt the "unity in diversity“identity model in building harmonious language environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lithuanian language education policy, State identity, Ethnic identity, Super-national identity, Multi-identity
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