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Research On Peasant Uprising In Song Dynasty

Posted on:2020-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M DingFull Text:PDF
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Peasant uprising is a widely used term which usually refers to the armed struggle of peasants against feudal oppression.On the whole,each peasant uprising is a concentrated reflection of the contradiction between the feudal autocratic government and the civil society.Peasant uprisings occurred one after another in the Song Dynasty,and the numbers are unprecedented.During the three hundred years of the Song Dynasty,there were 433 peasant uprisings.There are 1.4 peasant uprisings a year on average.However,the Song Dynasty still has a history of more than 300 years even in this continuous wave of peasant uprisings.The reason is that the peasant uprisings in the Song Dynasty have a characteristic,that is,the peasant uprisings in the Song Dynasty are generally small in scale.Although peasant uprisings were frequent,they did not develop into a large-scale uprising that swept the whole country.Instead,they were often confined to one city and one place and showed a complete compromise without any clear intention to overthrow the feudal dynasty.This can be seen in the Song Dynasty when the main slogan of the peasant uprising "uniform poverty and wealth".Although this slogan reflects the peasants' desire to pursue wealth equality,it did not further put forward the "anti-royal" revolutionary program with the goal of overthrowing the feudal autocratic regime.The whole peasant uprising in Song Dynasty presented a rather weak and embarrassing situation.There were many peasant uprisings in the Song Dynasty,among which there were Wang Xiaobo uprising,Fan Ruwei uprising and Fang La uprising occurred in the early southern Song Dynasty.They all ended in failure and had different causes,but they all had their roots in class oppression.We can see the cruel oppression of the feudal government and landlords on the peasants in the Song Dynasty,from the the land system of "No merger",heavy taxation and corvee system,the development of feudal confucianism.The feudal government controlled land,the most important means of production in feudal society,and thus controlled the material production and consumption of the peasant class.The development of feudal neo-confucianism imprisoned the peasants' thoughts and even spiritual beliefs.Unexpectedly,the Song Dynasty lasted for three hundred years in this turbulent situation.All these are worthy of our attention and research on the inducement factors of the peasant uprising of different sizes and the sociological principles behind it in the Song Dynasty.This paper starts from four relatively influential peasant uprisings in the Song Dynasty(Wang Xiaobo and Li Shun uprising in the northern Song Dynasty,Zhong Xiaing and Yang Me uprising in the southern song dynasty,Fang La uprising in the la te northern song dynasty,Fan Ru uprising in the southern Song Dynasty),studies the causes and characteristics of peasant uprising in the Song Dynasty from the perspectives of land system,taxation and corvee system,social and historical background and basic economic contradictions,then study its characteristics and laws from the representative events of peasant uprising in the Song Dynasty.Meanwhile,this paper analyzes the uniqueness and unity of the peasant uprising in the Song Dynasty from four perspectives:social structure functionalism,social interaction,social conflict and social evolution,takes the process and results of the peasant uprising in the Song Dynasty as the rese,arch object,and further excavates its research value in the field of sociology as well as the source and sociological significance of peasant uprising from the sociological perspective.
Keywords/Search Tags:Song Dynasty, Peasant uprising, sociology
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