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A Translation Project Report On Cloudstreet(Chapter ?)

Posted on:2020-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q J CaoFull Text:PDF
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This is a translation report on an English novel.The translated text is excerpted from Cloudstreet,a classic literary work written by Tim Winton,a famous Australian writer.The novel,set in Western Australia in the 1940s,tells the story of two unfortunate working-class families living together in "Cloudstreet" for 20 years.Newmark's semantic and communicative translation theories are applied in this project,and the guiding role of these two theories in novel translation is demonstrated through the study of typical cases.The original work portrays the sweets and bitters of life in plain and simple language style and creates vivid characters.The reproduction of characters and narrative logic is the most difficult focus faced by the author in the translation.Semantic and communicative translation differ in emphases.The former attaches importance to the form of the original text,which can accurately reproduce the original language style;The latter focuses on the effect of expression,which can improve the readability of the translation.Therefore,the reasonable application of these two theories can minimize defects of the translation.Under the guidance of this strategy,such translation techniques as extension,part-of-speech conversion,addition and subtraction are used flexibly to properly solve the problems arising in the process of translation,thus faithfully conveying the original information and enhancing the fluency and expressiveness of the translation as well.Through this practice,the author believes that semantic translation should be applied when the form does not contradict the content.For example,in the translation of portrait and psychology of characters,attention should be paid to the expression of the original text with a view to reproducing accurately personalities and mental activities of characters.When the form and the content cannot be unified,flexible means allowed by communicative translation can better resolve contradictions.As for language and discourse translation,the lexical meanings in specific contexts should be profoundly analyzed,and the sentence order should be adjusted according to the logic of the target language.Therefore,it can be seen that the cross-use of semantic translation and communicative translation exerts practical guidance for this translation practice,which has some enlightening significance for novel translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cloudstreet, Semantic Translation, Communicative Translation, Novel Translation
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