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Report On The Translation Of Farewell Montaigne

Posted on:2020-08-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Q JiangFull Text:PDF
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This memoir is a report on the translation of an essay in French Farewell Montaigne.It is a work of intertextuality.The author by his own means,interpreter The Essays of Michel de Montaigne,analyzes Michel de Montaigne in order to attract the attention of contemporary readers on the Essays and to make them attach a lot of importance to the country's cultural heritage.This report is divided into four parts.The first chapter deals with the context and the nature of translation.Farewell Montaigne has twelve chapters whose author named Jean-Michel Delacomptee is a great connoisseur of Montaigne and his century.Another work that is closely related to this work is the Essays,one of Montaigne's masterpieces,with 107 chapters,known as "treasure of thoughts".The author of Farewell Montaigne,quoting the content of the Essays,the characters of the myths and the prototypes of the other works,by integrating the Essays into his work,creates a new essay which will introduce the readers to the Essays,to Montaigne.The second chapter introduces first the translation preparation and the translation process,then studies the translation strategy,finally describes the translation revision.In the perspective of intertextuality,I read the original text and other works that concern it,translate it into a text in the broad sense.Different translation strategies with respect to the heterogeneous culture,long sentences,french expressions that I take are based on the theory of intertextuality,in order to convey the meaning of the original text to the target readers.The third chapter is devoted to the analysis of the translation examples.In this chapter,I talk about the problems during the translation,I also speak about the process of my reflection,my analysis and the resolution.First,they are strategies for intertextuality between different texts and heterogeneous culture,such as literal translation,paraphrase,compensation,and so on,aiming to make the target readers accept the translation texte and to retain source culture at the same time.Then I analyze the translation of long sentences.It should be know that there are fundamental differents between the French language and the Chinese language.During translation,we must first look at the center of the original sentence,change the shape of the original language if necessary.Finally,it is the translation of french idiom.On the one hand,we must understand the cultural semantics of the original language,on the other we take into consideration the cultural semantics of the target language.The last chapter deals with the experience of this translation.I appreciate the importance of preparation before translation.As a translator,we must constantly improve our language skills and cultural knowledge,we must be careful,patient and responsible.
Keywords/Search Tags:Farewell Montaigne, intertextuality, heterogeneous culture, translation strategy
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