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Aliterary Study Of Qian Fu's Theory

Posted on:2020-12-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N N WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575472497Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this paper,from the Angle of literature to study the theory of "husband",to systematically combing of the theory of "literary thought and literary style and the way of demonstration,and then discusses the theory of "husband's influence on the later literature,the correct analysis of the theory of "literary significance in the history of literary development status,as well as the ideological content,literary style,discuss characteristics of literature in the han dynasty and the important role in the development of the later literature.The paper is divided into five parts:The first part is the problem of the book.This paper mainly discusses the life of wang fu and the historical background of the book.There are many opinions about the year of wang fu's birth and death in the academic circle.Liu believed that "the 'fu' of wang fu could not refer to the'currency' of officials and soldiers".and that the 'fu' here should be a kind of extended meaning full of theological concepts,from this,Mr.Liu inferred that "wang fu was born in 28 AD,three or four years younger than ma rong,zhang heng and others,but still belonging to the same generation." in terms of the years of his birth and death,wang fu lived in the reign of emperor zhang when he was young,the reign of emperor he,emperor an and emperor shun in the middle of the eastern han dynasty when he was young,and the reign of emperor huan in the late eastern han dynasty when he was old."In the early period of the eastern han dynasty,starting from emperor guangwu,after more than 60 years of management by emperor Ming and emperor zhang,the society had become stable after the war,and the economy that had been severely damaged had been restored,although the eastern han society superficially restored the old view of the western han dynasty,its economic strength and political influence could not be compared with the heyday of the western han dynasty.And behind the prosperity is a new crisis that cannot be hidden and eliminated.When the eastern han dynasty reached its peak,it actually began to fall from the peak.The second part is the literary thought of qian fu lun.Some writing methods of qian fu fun inherited the literary ideas of the prose of the pre-qin period.This paper makes an in-depth analysis of the influence of wang fu's literary thought on the thoughts of Confucius,mozi and xunzi,and probes into his inheritance of the thoughts of various zi.Starting from the content of the text.,this paper sorts out and generalizes the literary thoughts of the theory of latent husband,mainly including the three aspects of shang yong,anti xu,and spreading emotions by text,which are mainly embodied in wu Ben and zan xue.In order to prepare for the study of the literary style of qian fu lun,wang fu's literary thought is deeply discussed.The third part focuses on the literary style of qian fu lun.First discusses philosophic elaborate discourse structure,coherence breaks down,the book begins with "the great learning",to"business",breaks down in sequence,form relatively concentrated unit,including"advised" to "the real edge" four,"bligh column" to "column four papers,continuous and clear subject,before and after can be reflected in phase from the characteristics of the class.The arrangement of chapters is also influenced by xunzi,which stats with "xun xue" and "qian fu lun" starts with "xun xue".The article is short and concise,and also USES rhymes,such as "communication",There are also some question-and-answer styles,such as the dialogue between the fictitious,qianfu" characters in the interpretation of difficulties and the geng zi,uncle,qin zi and so on.The fourth part analyzes the argumentation of the theory of potential husband,mainly from the aspects of citing classics,making good use of rhetoric,logic and so on.The book of songs,the analects of Confucius and the book of changes are cited in many places to demonstrate the author's views.Qian fu lun USES many rhetorical devices,such as metaphor,parallelism and rhetorical questions.Each chapter of the book has clear arguments and sufficient arguments.The logic in the process of argumentation is very strict.Second,the paper analyzes the language features of qian fu lun,which is mainly reflected in its simplicity and simplicity,and the integration of pian and prose.Finally,it discusses the inheritance of pre-qin prose from qian fu lune which is mainly reflected in the spirit and writing structrure of pre-qin zi shuThe fifth part analyzes the status and influence of the theory.Wang chong,"husband" and"the theory of scale" compare literature characteristics,mainly reflected in the article style,articles,imposing manner,statements bear degree from three aspects,then the theory of "husband" and ZhongChangTong "proper speech",highlights of the theory of "unique style,and the analysis of the theory of" husband "to the han dynasty Confucian classics writing style of the breakthrough,summarize its effects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pay attention to practical, connotation and plain, way of argumentation
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