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On The Mirror Metaphor In Angela Carter's Burning Your Boats

Posted on:2020-06-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575466746Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Burning Your Boats is a collection of short stories by Angela Carter.By means of close reading of the text,this thesis analysises and interprets the mirror that appears repeatedly in Burning Your Boats,and explores the deeper metaphor and function of the mirror in Carter's short stories.In the introduction part,this thesis combs Angela Carter's life and creation.Introducing the research status at home and abroad,and the research angle and innovation of this thesis.In the first chapter,the author will take Flesh and the Mirror mirror in the protagonist's life.The characters in the mirror control the life of the protagonist as if they were living consciously.By watching a series of behaviors of the characters in the mirror,the protagonist abstracts herself from the life and increases the sense of distance,so that she can examine her life with an objective other.A series of rehearsals in the mirror is actually Carter's attempt to find a way out for love and life through the other's dilemma.In the second chapter,based on Lacan's mirror stage and taking The Tiger's Bride and Wolf-Alice as examples,the author analysises the results and the important role of mirrors in the subject construction.In the third chapter,the author takes The Bloody Chamber and Reflections as examples,analysises the sexual relations in the mirror,by the vision with men's and women's identity replacement novel way,while against patriarchy,and no radical feminist gender violence,to breaks the binary opposition between men and women.In the fourth chapter,the author will take The Cabinet of Edgar Allan Poe and The Fall River Axe Murders as examples,to reveal the important role of the mirror in blurring the boundary between the real and the illusory in humans life.Carter deconstructs truth and falsity in this way,and provides a new perspective for readers to look at things.Through the analysis of many metaphors of mirrors in Carter's short story collection Burning Your Boats,the author aims to understand the ambiguity of carter's creation and the metaphor of mirrors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Angela Carter, Burning Your Boats, Mirror, Metaphor
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