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Application Of Interactive Image In Film And Television

Posted on:2020-08-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y JiFull Text:PDF
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Interactive image is an interactive video art.It has been applied to the traditional film and television industry,forming a new form of art-interactive film and television.The most representative interactive film and television work is the panoramic interactive short film(VR short film),which breaks the conventional artistic expression technique in traditional film and television.However,the emergence of new technologies will also have a certain impact on the form and creation of traditional film and television.There are both connections and differences between interactive film and television.The research on interactive film and television has certain significance for the future film and television creation.This paper is divided into five parts.The first part is interactive image and film and television art.This paper first introduces the definition of interactive image and interactive film and television,then expounds the application and development of interactive image in film and television art from the preliminary exploration of the application of interactive image in film and television to the development of the application of interactive image in the form of VR and the types of interactive film and television works present in front of the audience.The second part is about the artistic characteristics of interactive movie and TV art.There are three characteristics of interactive film and television formed by the fusion of interactive image and traditional film and television: immersion,interaction and imagination.These three characteristics are integrated into the traditional film and television,which will bring different feelings to the audience.This part mainly analyses the influence of these three characteristics in the film and television art,as well as the new experience of the film and television works they bring.The third part is about interactive film and television performance techniques.This part is the key part of the whole thesis.It mainly analyzes the difference betweenaudiovisual language and narrative concept in interactive film and television,and then combines the theory of psychology to explore the viewer's line of sight in the narrative environment of panoramic space,and proposes some methods to guide the audience.The fourth part,basic characteristics of interactive images and their influence on film and television presentation.This part mainly analyses the value that interactive video brings to the film and television industry after being applied to the traditional film and television industry.This part also combs some shortcomings existing in the current interactive film and television industry,including the difficulty of production technology and the loss of connotation.At the same time,this part points out the development trend of interactive film and television,providing valuable references for people.The fifth part is about creative summary and reflection.This part mainly elaborates on the works created by individuals after a certain theoretical study.In the process of creating works,the author has compiled the experiences and methods that individuals have explored,and also reflected,summarized and summarized their shortcomings.Finally,the full text is summarized.
Keywords/Search Tags:Interactive image, Film and television, Interactive video
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