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A Study Of The Master Minh Dang Quang And Vietnamese Bhikku Buddhist

Posted on:2020-06-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H D I N H T H I H O N Full Text:PDF
GTID:2405330575454959Subject:Religious Studies
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the beginning of the 20th century,a new Buddhist sect called Vietnamese Bhikkhu Buddhist appeared in Vietnam.The founder of this sect was the Master Minh Dang Quang.His thoughts are concentrated in the book "Zhen Li"(??).Under his advocacy,the lifestyle adopted by the disciples of the Bhikkhu Buddhist is based on the Vietnamese culture and partially restored the Buddhist monks lifestyle of the Buddha era.The way of life and practice has had a huge impact on the Vietnamese people.This thesis is divided into six parts,an introduction and conclusions,and four chapters.The introduction part introduces the significance of the selected topics in this part,the research methods combined with the literature and history,and the current research status.It briefly introduces the Dharma teaching and commandments of the Master Minh Dang Quang,as well as some introductions and research works of the disciples of Bhikkhu Buddhist and scholars.The first chapter introduces the life of the Master Minh Dang Quang,including his mother's pregnancy,four years studying Buddhist studies in Cambodia,the filial piety at home,the marriage,as well as the legendary experience of enlightenment.The second chapter introduces the background and process of the Vietnamese Bhikkhu Buddhist.Master Minh Dang Quang's research on various Buddhist thoughts popular in Vietnam at that time,as well as his interpretation of "One-Phase Buddhism"(????),became the main source of thought for his creation.The third chapter introduces the main Buddhist articles on the"Zhen Li"(??)and analyzes the contents of the book such as:original Buddhist thought,Mahayana Buddhist thought,Buddhist commandments,and his attitude towards Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism.The fourth chapter studies and analyzes the uniqueness and inheritance of the Bhikkhu Buddhism from the aspects of name,religion,ritual etiquette,architectural art,inheritance,organization and management of sects.In the final conclusion,the thesis briefly summarizes the full text and expounds the important influence of the Master Minh Dang Quang on the Bhikkhu Buddhists and contemporary Vietnamese Buddhism and even the world Buddhism.The Buddhist sect founded by the Master Minh Dang Quang has produced many outstanding disciples in the past eighty years.After the efforts of many disciples,it has become a unique part of Vietnamese Buddhist culture.Therefore,it is of great religious and cultural value to the thoughts of Master Minh Dang Quang's founders and the study of Bhikkhu Buddhists.With the tenet of "Inheriting Sakyamuni",the Master Minh Dang Quang combines the Northern Buddhism with the Southern Buddhism,combines the essence of the this two sects with the Vietnamese local culture,and advocates the spread of Buddhism with Vietnamese culture.Therefore,a Buddhist sect with Vietnamese characteristics has been formed.This is a typical model of modern and contemporary "new religions".For Buddhism,which has developed for nearly two thousand years,it has unique value and significance for world religious innovation and cultural innovation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Vietnamese Bhikkhu Buddhist, Minh Dang Quang, Inherit, Zhen Li, Bhikkhu
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