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Study On Karen J.Warren's Ecological Aesthetics

Posted on:2020-02-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330572988888Subject:Literature and art
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Karen J.Warren,as the leading representative of ecofeminism,has a profound theoretical basis of ecofeminist philosophy.At the same time,she absorbs Arne Naess's deep ecology thought and affirms that Arne Naess's deep ecology thought is identical with that of ecofeminism.Besides,she also asserts Val Plumwood's ecology thought,which is another representative of ecofeminism.Warren evaluates and explains Plumwood's concepts of "self" etc.Her idea has a certain commonality in explaining and discussing the concepts of "self" of Plumwood.She points out the concept of "situationism".Secondly,Warren is inspired by Leopold's earth ethics and agrees with his concept of the earth community.Also,she believes that Leopold's thought is misleading in moral and emotional interpretation to a certain extent.Warren points out that moral sentiment is very critical and a key to "natural mother".Warren advocates caring,respecting and aesthetic care for the natural environment,and treating the natural environment with an equal,compassionate and caring attitude Thirdly,in terms of animal rights theory and animal liberation theory,Karen J.Warren evaluates the views of vegetarian ecofeminists,opposes oppression in the whole biological communuity,and proposes aesthetic care and care for animals and other non-human creatures from the perspective of moral emotions.Karen J.Warren's ecological aesthetics embodies the aesthetic participation and integration of human beings and the natural environment,and its ideological characteristics represents Martin Heidegger's and Arnold Berleant's ideas of participation aesthetics and the sense of place,emphasising respect for nature,protection of nature and the establishment of a happy and harmonious relationship Secondly,Warren advocates world peace,opposes battle and war,opposes environmental pollution,and hopes that people would love and defend the Earth's homeland on which they depended for their survival.She hopes that people could live happily and harmoniously in their homeland.This ideological feature is similar to the home consciousness of Heidegger,Holmes Rolston and other scholars.She hopes that people could "live poetically" on the earth.Besides,Karen J.Warren believes that the war has brought serious violence and harm to women and nature,and that the use and abandonment of war weapons will bring pollution and damage to the natural environment which is difficult to recover,and even threaten human health and survival.Moreover,depending on Jeremy Bentham's utilitarianism,Karen J.Warren demonstrates Singer's and Regan's animal liberation theory and animal rights theory,and draws on and evaluates the vegetarian ecological feminism.She maintains the concept of oppressive framework existing in the whole biosphere.From the perspective of ecological ethics,she argues the equal treatment and aesthetic care of human beings for animals,and advocates the construction of an ethical relationship of caring,sympathy and harmonious coexistenceIn terms of its significance,Karen J.Warren's ecological aesthetics expounds the relationship between human beings and the natural environment,women and nature,breaks the theoretical model of binary opposition,and advocates a pluralistic and open theory.Its theory of'sewing quilt' has a very unique value.Secondly,Warren interprets ecofeminism from a new and different perspective,that is,philosophical aesthetics,which gives people methodological enlightenment.Secondly,Warren opposes all forms of oppression and discrimination existing in vulnerable groups such as women,nature,people of color,ethnic minorities and animals in hierarchical society,pays attention to the aesthetic relationship between women and nature,emphasizes the aesthetic care for women and others,and advocates the establishment of a relationship of respect,care,mutual benefit,proper and harmonious coexistence On the other hand,Karen J.Warren's ecological aesthetics view has its limitations in the premise of its own argument,and has been questioned and opposed.Moreover,Warren's eco-aesthetic ideas on the concept of oppression and other concepts to a certain extent appear to be more radicalThis paper consists of an introduction and three chapters.The introduction introduces the literature review of Karen J.Warren and Karen J.Warren.The first chapter introduces the theoretical basis of Karen J.Warren's thought.The second chapter explains the content of Warren's view,including the aesthetic participation in the environment,women's problems,homeland consciousness and aesthetic care for animals.Chapter three explains the value and limitation of Warren's theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Karen J.Warren, Ecofeminist Philosophy, Engagement, Home consciousness, Aesthetic care
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